Secret | Teen Ink


April 24, 2012
By Angellynn1996 GOLD, San Francisco, California
Angellynn1996 GOLD, San Francisco, California
16 articles 17 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... it's about getting out and dancing in the rain"

Here we are
Riding in the car
on our way home

your in front
im in back
cause no one can know
that you like me
and i like you back

we dont wanna hurt her
she's our friend
you've known her since you were 5

you had feelings for her
she has feelings for you

but you feelings have changed
if only she knew
we want to tell her
but we dont want to hurt her

She's like a sister
you don't wanna lose her
you use d to like her
but now you like me
and she doesn't know

your in front
im in back
cause no one can know
you like me
and i like you back

your a senior
im a sophomore
but that don't mean nothin'
cause you like me
and i like you back

but she likes you to
you used to like her
but now you like me

this is gonna be hard
telling her you like me
but its gotta be done
when the time is right

your in front
im in back
cause no one an know
you like me
and i like you back

she's a grear girl
your a great guy
i don't kow why
your choosing me over her

you've known here since
you were 5
you've known me
for way less then that

your almost 18
im almost 16
but you like me
and i like you back

your in front
im in back
cause no one can know
you like me
and i like you back

when can they know
when will the time be right
cause boy
i need you in my life

your here
but your a secret
at times

cause we dont want to hurt her
you've known her since you were 5
this is crazy boy
whats going on?

your in front
im in back
cause no one can know
you like me
and i like you back

ya you like me
and i like you back

when will be the time
to let the world know
the truth about us
oh when will we let go?

right now we don't know
it will stay the way it is

your in front
im in back
cause no one can know
you like me
and i like you back

oh ya i like you back

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