By The Sea | Teen Ink

By The Sea

October 31, 2016
By Sterlinganna PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
Sterlinganna PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I want to go down by the sea again;

to the blue/green waves,
and skies of endless beauty.
I want to go down to painted waves still crashing,
and gulls on fish-search duty.

I want to go down by the sea again;
to see boats upon the water,
and hear sounds so calm and sweet.
I want to go down to the rocks covered with crabs
and sand between my feet.

I want to go down by the sea again;
to dunes of black and white,
and yellow beams of sun.
I want to go down to the shells, like hidden treasure
and imprinting sand as I run.

I want to go down by the sea again;
to build life-sized sandcastles,
and collect cute conch shells.
I want to go down by sea life,
and fresh salty smells.

I am down by the sea again;
Down by tides rolling back to their night hiding places,
and brilliant white lights filling night skies.
Down to the unrifled breeze calling my name,
and trails of footprints as I say my goodbyes...

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