Maybe I&#39ll let my Heart be Happy | Teen Ink

Maybe I&#39ll let my Heart be Happy

August 30, 2009
By MariaMarie DIAMOND, Washington Court House, Ohio
MariaMarie DIAMOND, Washington Court House, Ohio
70 articles 0 photos 181 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life's a mountain on a beach"-Unknown
"Will: This is either madness or brilliance. Sparrow: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide."-Pirates of the Caribbean:Curse of the Black Pearl.

I've never felt like this,
I've never thought of taking a chance
with someone like him.
Never took that step,
without knowing they wouldn't step with me.
Always chose the ones
who didn't want me.
I wonder what he'll do.
I wonder what he'll say.
For once,
I'm not wishing to run away.
If he says no,
The World isn't at an end.
If he says yes,
the usual pessimistic view
Will most likely come back.
But maybe this time-
it wont be as harsh,
If I'm the one who brings it up.
Maybe this time,
I'll just let My Heart be happy..
Instead of letting myself
dissect it.

The author's comments:
Thanks for reading!! what'd you think?

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This article has 2 comments.

on Aug. 6 2010 at 9:42 pm
MariaMarie DIAMOND, Washington Court House, Ohio
70 articles 0 photos 181 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life's a mountain on a beach"-Unknown
"Will: This is either madness or brilliance. Sparrow: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide."-Pirates of the Caribbean:Curse of the Black Pearl.

Wow.. lol ThankYou for sharring your thoughts with me, and I am happy that you can relate so well :) I myself, have only had two actual bfs.. one was two weeks and the other five months which i jus currently broke up with him.. So I'm on the single path for a wile.. kinda scared to jump back into the dating world.. Right now focusing on friends and great people i"m finding i care about. I can't wait to see which direction my life goes, and since i chose a christian path, i can't wait to see where God takes me :) But So far I am gettng along pretty well and happy. I'll be 16 in early October!  Im not that excited.. but atleast i can add one more yr wen ppl ask me how old i am :) Everyone thinks im like.. 19 anyway. lol . I'd be glad to check out your work

on Aug. 3 2010 at 11:44 pm
MercedesXO DIAMOND, South Easton, Massachusetts
52 articles 0 photos 280 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I realize that life is risks. It's acknowledging the past but looking forward. It's taking chances that we will make mistakes but believeing we all deserve to be forgiven."
-The Dead Tossed Waves.

i completely agree!! i ALWAYS over analyze e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g in my life. it's really frustrating, because then i feel like i secretly set my self up for falure. ya know? like, if i over analyze a relationship i freak out and think of reasons why we shouldn't be going out, or how something could go wrong and " just gonna break up at some point anyways." and honestly? it's sooo tiering. i am currently in a new relationship. im 16 (and this is my second relationship....i led the single life for a while now. LOL) and i've known him for about 4 years. and we've liked eachother for..4 years. so now its great:) and i'm trying not to over analyze everything! lol. just thought i'd share a bit with you about myself and how i related to your poem:) nice work!

and i'd love if you checked out some of my work as well and told me what you thought.

especially my poem 'Torturer of a King'. it would be appriciated:)

againg great job!!