No more of us | Teen Ink

No more of us

April 2, 2015
By Reincarnate-forever SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Reincarnate-forever SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am who I am, this is what we are, I don't care if this offends you, or your worthless god."

Never knowing when my time would come but today was the day  
  everyone  playing in the grass and eating chasing their tails
enjoying the beautiful life we were having  ,
it got ripped away in  seconds  the temperature got hotter
maybe just a heat wave, but it just got hotter and hotter  panting like crazy,
looking around seeing nothing but the sadness
in everyones eyes, blinking to see if it's real,
one by one we fell to the ground,looking up in the deep black sky
, looking closely seeing the souls of us wave goodbye and fade, 
it seemed like the sky was falling onto to us,
                                            to start another world and let it be someone elses time ,
hearing the goodbyes and I love you’s coming from every last breath,
      tears down my face closing my eyes hoping it was a dream
             , my eyes shot open as all i see is orange and and the warmth of the orange,
                  saying the future is here we did our time, now it's time we are no more

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