Remodel | Teen Ink


January 9, 2014
By MasonBee SILVER, OLYMPIA, Washington
MasonBee SILVER, OLYMPIA, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There is a fine line between strange and beautiful. And that line is covered in jellyfish." -Welcome To Night Vale

A ghost still walks
through the halls of the house it died in
if you remodel your house, change your halls and put in new doors walls rooms windows wings
she still walks her halls as they were and I think about
if she is walking through her house as in a particular time
she walked through her house does she
see the people there does she
speak the words she spoke then
and smile the same smiles and does she
raise her hand very slowly while sitting on her bed and touch
air or does she
read the words on pages that are long gone does she
walk through where you are standing and shiver

I heard you came to my house while I was gone.
Knocked on my door.
You did not come into my house
and you did not stay where you once stayed and sleep
where you slept and leave your shoes by the door.
I do not know why you came because
you did not tell me.
You did not ask if I was home and did not ask if you could come over
and even if I had been home I don’t think I would have
told you so.
I don’t think I would have let you in.
You haven’t yet told me you came to my door
I am a coward and will not say.

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