In Chaos | Teen Ink

In Chaos MAG

June 11, 2012
By AubreyJordan PLATINUM, Flagstaff, Arizona
AubreyJordan PLATINUM, Flagstaff, Arizona
25 articles 0 photos 39 comments

I've seen it done before
People making beautiful words
Fall into beautiful arrangements
With a beautiful perfection
It makes my heart melt
My soul sing
It makes me into a romanticist
Then thrusts me toward realism
Because nothing that beautiful
Happens organically
For me
Words never fall so perfectly
Into my mind
Words never fall so perfectly
Into my mouth
It gets so twisted
So jumbled
So messy and flat
In chaos, I'm swimming
Drowning so fast
Unlike action, reaction
Is something unplanned
Foreign words cloud your mind
Like a shower of sand
If life were a script
I could write it
If life were a play
I could act it
But, alas, life is improv
From beginning to end
And in chaos, I'm falling
Waiting to land

The author's comments:
Communication has always been difficult for me. I've gotten much better at it recently, but I'll never stop hoping that human beings spontaneously develop the ability to read minds.

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This article has 4 comments.

on May. 16 2014 at 11:11 pm
theSunfloweredCrow PLATINUM, Green Bay, Wisconsin
47 articles 0 photos 66 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky,
Tongue-tied and twisted
Just an earth-bound misfit, I"
~Pink Floyd

"Now is blessed
The rest
remembered "

~Jim Morrison

I . love. this. poem.! No seriouslt this is amazing...beyond amazing. You're poem is unbelivebly relatable. I have the same exact problem as you. I love to write and create but I see other people just spit out great poems and writings like there's no tomorrow, and I don't understand how they can describe what they think so perfectly.  I know what I want to say but I can't describe it verbally. I know where you're coming from when you wrote this. Great poem!

on Dec. 12 2012 at 3:19 pm
Basya44 PLATINUM, Brighton, Massachusetts
36 articles 1 photo 77 comments
Wow that is really beautiful! nice job- I think you woud appreciate some of more of my stuff:) really talented!

on Jul. 14 2012 at 10:27 am
bethanyvreeve SILVER, Nanuet, New York
7 articles 1 photo 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have a voice too and for better or for worse, mine is a voice that cannot be silenced.

I added this to my favorites because this is one of the most beautiful poems I have read on TI. Really wonderful. Your use of language and movement within the poem is great!

Comment and rate mine please?

InkWriter13 said...
on Jun. 21 2012 at 2:58 pm
A wonderful poem. Loved it. 5 stars. I love the clarity of mind. It seems ironic to be writing about the difficulty of words coming to you when you write so well. Anyway, beautiful writing. :) Would you please comment on my poems titled Without the Writer and the Printer?