It's Just Us... | Teen Ink

It's Just Us...

January 16, 2010
By shreya756 PLATINUM, Gurgaon, Haryana, Other
shreya756 PLATINUM, Gurgaon, Haryana, Other
27 articles 4 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
When it gets dark only then can you see the stars...
If a million people believe in a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.

We hate life now and then,
Fall in love again and again.

See the world through immature eyes,
We think we know it all,
But we aren’t always right.

We picture life in a complicated way,
Trust someone and then get betrayed.

We look never at the brighter side,
Trample upon people’s feelings as on our high horse we ride.

We must sit back one day and think about life,
All the smiles we show and all the tears we hide.

We try to push ourselves, but are always stuck,
Once again trying to give things a try,
Once again pushing our LUCK.

We wish to do all that the others didn’t do,
In one life that we have to live,
We try and prove ourselves to you.

We get irritated when things go wrong,
Cry when we feel like it,
Feel miserable seeing a helpless old person,
We are sometimes confused people,
Never wanting thing to end,
Never wanting things to start,
We are not always what you think,
After all, we are humans at heart.

Of it, we might not show any sign,
Life is not always easy for us, nor is it always fine.

We know you go through a lot too,
But is it our fault, when we don’t understand you?

This is the way God has made us,
This is the way we will always stay.
We know sometimes you wish you could change us,
We know you wish, but you never say.

We want you to know that little things affect us,
We want you to know that we sometimes grieve,
We want you to know that life for us, isn’t always easy,
Do you not know so? Are we so difficult to read?

Our minds change like the formation of clouds in the sky,
Sometimes we speak the truth and sometimes the lie.
But, this is the way we are made.
This nor can you, nor can I deny.

You might know us inside out,
We don’t blame you, because about us you don’t know everything.
Because we share ourselves with friends and truly seek all the happiness they bring.

We may grow up one day,
You may not register this,
But you still do know.
Please believe us when we say,
‘That all the values you instilled in us,
We will hold on to them down below.’

We may let you down,
But just know that we never meant to,
We may do some or all things wrong,
But we never wanted to,
All the time, all along.

Sometimes we may want to leave,
Never to look behind,
If we ever do so, it is not your fault,
Just know that we are trying to sort things out with our own mind.

We may get disappointed in you, and may not speak,
But come to us only then
Because at that time it is just you who we seek.

We may wet your clothes by the tears that fall,
Sorry, we didn’t mean to,
It isn’t our fault.

We believe in nonsensical things,
In angels,
In Santa Claus,
And all the wishes that come true by the twinkling and beautiful shooting stars.

We may want to leave the world and bid goodbye,
We may give up, before we even try.

We know that days have changed and that time won’t wait,
We want you to know and understand us,
Before it’s too LATE.

You didn’t do everything incorrectly,
That’s all that we want to say.

We deserved all the anger, all the kisses, all the shouts and all the hugs,
In the ending, we’d just like to tell you.
‘It’s Just Us.’

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece, keeping in mind all the expectations that our parents have from us, all the times that they misunderstand us, all the times they think that they know us inside out but that is not always the case. In this poem, I want to tell all parents to let their children breathe and not judge them on their own thinking but rather for once think from our, the teenager's point of view. And you will see a world which you never knew even existed...

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