I Always Knew She Would. | Teen Ink

I Always Knew She Would.

December 7, 2011
By Wild_Rebel_Rose DIAMOND, Somerset, Wisconsin
Wild_Rebel_Rose DIAMOND, Somerset, Wisconsin
51 articles 4 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be who you are, and say what you feel, becuase those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
-Dr. Seuss

I Always Knew the backroads to your place back home,
We'd drive for hours on end, just sit and talk.
I Always took the long way comin home from school,
Just in case I'd see you walking back.
Sometimes I would slow the car and roll the window down,
And say, "hey jump in, lets drive down to the lake."
We'd turn up Johnny Cash and drive ten miles outta town,
At 85, and never hit the brakes.
Even in the summer, that lake was freezing cold,
I can't forget the day I pushed you in
You swore you'd get me back, but you never did
But I guess we'll never go back there again, cuz

I always knew you'd find some girl and fall in love,
Forget about our promises, and leave
You'd always say "we'll always stay the best of friends"
But you were wrong, I knew that things would change
And never be the same.

You always were the crazy one, I cheered you on
I always stood behind you til the end
If anybody knew you, it was always me
I knew you better than I knew myself.
Crazy-@** Septembers, we were wild and free,
Find the b******, I would call the boys
Rain would never stop us, we'd just grab our drinks
and run out wild and crazy in the storm

I always knew you'd find some girl and fall in love,
Forget about our summer days, and leave
She never knew you all the years you spent with me,
But then she came along and stole our dreams
I always knew you'd change.

You never knew the way I lay awake at night,
Wondering what I'd do if you left.
I couldn't think of life without your craziness,
I can't believe she made you lose a friend.

But I Always Knew she would.

The author's comments:
Wrote this for my best guy friend in the world.

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