Six Glistening Diamonds | Teen Ink

Six Glistening Diamonds

May 9, 2018
By kristieregal PLATINUM, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
kristieregal PLATINUM, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones that remind me. I am the only one who shows them off. Six glistening diamonds with crisp edges and mirrors that reflect a sea of color. Six who have not been with me for a long time but it feels like a lifetime. Six perfectly placed rocks into a band of gold and silver. From my eyes I can see them, but with my heart I can feel them.

Their love is a secret. They send clear messages to others around. They’ve been there through heaven and hell and fighting for each other through it all and realizing there is no obstacle big enough to break them and never quitting on one another. This is how they stay together.

If one shimmer goes dull, the rest can’t shine as bright, each are important for creating the immense glow. Shine, shine, shine they reflect when I shift. They sing.

When I am too lost and too lonely to keep shining, when I am dull rock against so many twinkling diamonds, then I look at the diamonds. When there are unanswered questions. Six who glisten despite the odds. Six who stay together and do not forget about each other. Six whose only reason is to love and love.

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