One Foot | Teen Ink

One Foot

March 16, 2017
By CPallatto SILVER, Jupiter, Florida
CPallatto SILVER, Jupiter, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A distance that attracts me to you;
your magnetic personality a
gravitational force I find inescapable.

A distance a mere twelve inches
of silent abyss
my words can never travel though.

A distance where every slight shift
in your posture is reciprocated by me;
we play a game of subtleties
that has no apparent victor.

A distance I try to sustain
when I attempt to stretch seconds into minutes
until I cannot pretend to warp time any longer.

A distance that stretches into two,








ten feet,

and I lose the attention I worked so hard to win from you.

A distance that is painlessly severed
when the door shuts behind me,
leaving you blissfully behind.

A distance you will likely never close
despite my silent wishes.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this after realizing that there are many interesting people who have been in my classes over the years, but who have always just been names and faces. This expresses my shyness about reaching out to people to get to know them better. 

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