Musical Poetry | Teen Ink

Musical Poetry

April 25, 2016
By GAEM. GOLD, Manton, California
GAEM. GOLD, Manton, California
17 articles 8 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
What you egg! Young fry of treachery!
[he stabs him]
--William Shakespeare

Poetry is like beating a melody on paper,
Your words are like the lyrics in a song,
When you read it you think of a beat,
Can you imagine a poem without a beat?
It would not be sound,
It would be restless,
Looking for a beat it was written without,
Like a heart beating without cause,
A soul glowing without a purpose,
Like one lonely lover,
My poem has every beat,
Your beat,
His beat,
Her beat,
It is unique to each one who reads it.
For me, I can find the most unusual beat.

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