Sorrow | Teen Ink


February 29, 2016
By Vidona GOLD, Asheville, North Carolina
Vidona GOLD, Asheville, North Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dont judge a book by its cover or else it might end up banging you on the head

If I had a teardrop for every time ive cried

Because of the pain that is inside,

It would take days upon days

To count them all.


If I had a thought for every painful time

Of this terrible injusticed life,

There would not be enough material

To write down each one.


If I had a memory for every time of good

Just to have like everyone should......

By the heavens above!

You could count them on your hands.


This world is blood thirsty and cruel.

The game of who's to die or rule,

Is a scar that will never heal_

Never to be fully understood.


People blankly go through life

Barely loving; always strife.

'Tis a hard place to live,

But this is what i must call home.......


Anger and hate; pain and death

Sorrow and illness on every breath....

How can we survive

In this toxic enviroment?


But people block it out

In this horrible drougt

Of life and of hope.

Its very confusing.


Seeing, but no light;

Hearing, but no noise.

We are helpless-

Completely destroyed.

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