The Evolving Romance of Two People | Teen Ink

The Evolving Romance of Two People

January 5, 2016
By hmatticks SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
hmatticks SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
8 articles 2 photos 0 comments

The evolving romance of two people.
There, he stood. Behind a bar lined with bottles of booze.
Though he had done it before, his nerves got the best of him.
He relies on his friends for this sort of thing.
But this time was different.   
Having lived with the old-fashioned values of right and wrong and how you should act when
approaching a girl, he knew if he did it right, he would win her over.                                                      
A risky test for the man, he delivered a pep talk to himself...                                              
First I will walk up to her. As we continue talking, I will share a series of Tales of the urban
heartland and the story of the two  detectives. A story one once told me here in this Chicago bar:
It was like a working-class soap opera, created for the people who protect, serve
and heal. In a corporate building with a skyline girdled by low-slung
neighborhoods of brick homes and alleys, two detectives who work in the city of
heroes fell in love while fighting crime and changed more than just the street
This story is perfect. It’s like a crime drama, only darker. Yet old-fashioned in the new
world of niche dramas. It’s a story which lives on in endless reruns, a story anyone would be
intrigued by.
He sounded absurd, realizing he just shared his plan out loud everyone in the bar,
including the girl, could hear.

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