Warrior | Teen Ink


March 12, 2015
By Chubby_Hearts PLATINUM, Beaverton, Oregon
Chubby_Hearts PLATINUM, Beaverton, Oregon
35 articles 10 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Each and every one of us has a fire that burns inside us. They can try like hell to put it out, but as long as we know in our minds who we are meant to be, they will never stand a chance.”
― Andy Biersack

I am no hero

Falling to my knees

Tears raining down my face

As I'm hidden from the world

Continuously, my mind replays

The tragedy of yesterday

With each memory

Again my heart shatters

Like the bones in my body

With each blow of anger

My silence will deepen

As my heart turns to black

With the pain that returns

As new scars will burn


But scars will heal

And the pain will go away

Now my heart's a rosy red

My voice will come back

With every kiss of love

New blood cleans my veins

Nurtures my fragile heart

That strengthens with each memory

Of yesterdays pain

Locked away behind the hope

That I will be free again

So I wipe away the tear stains

And rise back to my feet

For I am a warrior

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