Webbs | Teen Ink


January 15, 2015
By Sam Brunelli SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Sam Brunelli SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Think about a place that you go to so often, it becomes tradition.  For my friends and me, that place is George Webb Restaurant in Oconomowoc.  There, we gather every weekend after 10 p.m. to laugh, talk about the weeks stories from school and our lives, and drink our usual chocolate milk. 
As our cars pull up and drive past the window sign “OPEN 24 HOURS,” Robert sets out our chocolate milk glasses in our booth and braces for impact.  As we storm in and hear the greasy burgers slowly sizzling on the steaming grill, we yell “hi” to Robert and the cook, they laugh--not even bothering to tell us to quiet down. 
George Webb is our getaway from the world. We sit down and start talking and laughing about our week’s adventures with Robert.  As the night goes on and the free refills keep coming, the laughing continues. 
Finally, the bill comes (not added up as usual). We add up the meal and leave a generous tip, almost as if it is our rent for our booth next weekend. After a final smart remark coming from Robert, we walk back into the world.
A real treasure of Waukesha County is the one that stays open as long as the world keeps turning, and it goes by the name Webb.  George Webb that is. 

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