Bruised | Teen Ink


June 8, 2014
By QuixoticHeart BRONZE, Chico, California
QuixoticHeart BRONZE, Chico, California
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"You were given this life, because you are strong enough to live it" -Robin Sharma

I finally realized I wore you like a bruise
A little patch of honor
Covering my innocent skin
I showed you off to anyone that would look
I told stories of how I got you to anyone that would listen
Because I wrongfully believed you were something worth the pain
I was blinded by the beautiful colors you left
And numbed by the rush of danger you gave me
But bruises are bad
They’re simply marks of injury
I shouldn't take pride in them or in you
I should hide them, help them heal
Bruises aren't supposed to be there
And neither should you
But they are, because I made a mistake
And now, like bruises always do
You’re fading away from me
And like bruises
I’m better off without you

The author's comments:
Got my heart broken by a boy who left me to heal by myself.

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