Because | Teen Ink


January 28, 2014
By lara_ SILVER, HARTFORD, Connecticut
lara_ SILVER, HARTFORD, Connecticut
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others. For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."

I am sensitive and loving.

I wonder if I can accomplish anything I want.

I hear hatred.

I see back stabbers.

I want a relationship.

I am sensitive and loving.

I pretend to be happy, when in the inside I’m dying.

I feel appreciated but at the same time aggravated.

I touch a warm body and feel a cool breeze.

I wonder if one day I’ll run out of time.

I cry about how many times my heart has been broken.

I cry about the immature stubborn dad.

I cry about the mommy that never looks for me.

I am sensitive and loving.

I understand life is hard.

I say everyone is beautiful inside and out.

I dream of becoming famous.

I try to keep a smile on my face to stop the tears from falling down.

I hope one day I find true love in someone.

Because I am sensitive and loving.

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