Time to Change | Teen Ink

Time to Change

May 18, 2013
By Kittycatdancer15 BRONZE, Temecula, California
Kittycatdancer15 BRONZE, Temecula, California
4 articles 1 photo 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
I was Born from a Boom-Box

You always see me smiling,
But on the inside I’m really crying.
Nobody knows me,
nobody understands me.
I’ve never had anybody to talk to.
My dad was never here,
My mom was always working,
None of my friends wanted to talk about feelings,
Then I turned to cutting, not eating, and walking in streets, standing on the tops of buildings, suicidal things
I felt like they were the only things that would understand me.
They took over my life.
Every day, all day, before school, even during school, and after school.
I said goodbye to my family and friends.
I had no more feelings,
I just didn’t care anymore.
Everything seemed so great, only because I was hiding my feelings behind all of the actions.
They controlled everything, my feelings, thoughts, and body.
It was the scariest thing ever, I just didn’t know what to do.
Then I moved away from my family and so called friends.
I finally realized I was a wreck
I was lost.
I went back to my friends..
One of my friends started to ignore me got angry with me
Then I realized it was time to STOP
I stopped living life for myself & started living for him.
I began to eat, stopped cutting, and now no longer go onto buildings and don’t walk in streets
Ever since I’ve made that choice. I’m different
I can face my feelings and I’m a stronger person,
I’m not afraid anymore.
My family finally loves me and is here for me again.
I love this feeling,
I love the new me.
And I can thank him for that.
He never lied He would always be there for me

The author's comments:
I did stupid stuff. And who knew one person could change me.

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