He's all that I can't forget | Teen Ink

He's all that I can't forget

March 27, 2013
By JordanBrookeS PLATINUM, Brandon, Wisconsin
JordanBrookeS PLATINUM, Brandon, Wisconsin
30 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
lifes to short to take seiriously

I know what i should forget
but, this is why
I can't forget
he's my every thought
he's in my dreams
he's all that I miss
he's a beautiful memory
he's a boy who I fell in love with
he's a beautiful sent
he's an imperfect memory
he's one who I kissed
he's the name on my lips
he's one who owned my heart
I want to forget but I can't because he's all that I miss
all that I can't forget
I can't forget
don't force me
I've tried yet i know what he did yet I still want him as a perfect memory of a perfect mistake
because he's all that I
can't forget

The author's comments:
i was told that i had to forget a guy i once loved so i wrote this poem to let my family know why i can't and i won't

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