She's mine | Teen Ink

She's mine

January 3, 2013
By Nevell Provo BRONZE, Hunntington, West Virginia
Nevell Provo BRONZE, Hunntington, West Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You and your girlfriend at the mall
together having such a ball.
Why would you leave her at the park?
Eyes connected, I left my mark.

Numbers exchanged, i did no wrong.
Hopefully you stand lumber strong.
Love professing texts, you try.
Jaded responses, worn from lies.

Say yes to the dress with her.
We share my comforters.
you forgot her birthday,
made valentines her worst day.

For all, i'm truly sorry,
she's mine no need for Maury.
If I didn't interfere she'd be hurt,
my urge to help is always at work.

She wanted to tell you, not be sly.
This is just an apology, i'm a nice guy.

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