Mirror, Mirror | Teen Ink

Mirror, Mirror

September 28, 2011
By Samlu PLATINUM, MPLS, Minnesota
Samlu PLATINUM, MPLS, Minnesota
23 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
close mouth don't get feed

Mirror, mirror
mirror can you hear me
what am i looking at
answer me now
all i see is a man six feet three inches standing with eyes red from all the bleeding to live and smile
answer me
you adding weight to what I'm already carrying.
can't carry no-more, my leg is dieing like I'm on my death bed waiting for some one to come and carry me on
come on now,
come on help me out here.
I wanna see what you see when you look me in the eye
I'm still waiting for that answer
day in,
day out,
i still see a fat man in the mirror trying to smile back at me
i know you think I'll fade away into the dust of the wind
come on I'm blowing away here
i eat and eat the fruit of live yet I'm not full something missing
whats missing here
mirror are you there
can you hear me,
are you still there?
are you death to the ear, or
you sleep to the day to be waken by night where you roam freely
mirror, mirror
its getting cold from the day of loneliness rushing to reckoning the night away
reckoning, damaging my face with every blow given
mirror, mirror
its winter to the summer breeze
feel the cold air hit you
mind blowing ain't it
mirror, mirror
how long you goin' to let me bleed tears of fire
burnin', twisting in cyclone of flames touching the stars
mirror, mirror
i slay demons and laugh at fear straight up laughing
mirror, mirror why do i pretend to smile when i know its kills me
let me your smile for a day and that day i will smile till the sun cry out
mirror borrow me your happiness
borrow me that sun that shine over you
while i borrow you my rain of cloud that hanger over me

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