She Said | Teen Ink

She Said

September 25, 2010
By shreya756 PLATINUM, Gurgaon, Haryana, Other
shreya756 PLATINUM, Gurgaon, Haryana, Other
27 articles 4 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
When it gets dark only then can you see the stars...
If a million people believe in a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.

It is what they say and what they do, she said.
That makes them different from the world.

It is their belief in themselves, she said.
That makes us believe in them.

It is their love for life, she said.
That makes us, love our own.

It is their hate for hate, she said.
That makes us love what ought to be loved.

It is the rocky path that they follow, she said.
That takes them to the smoothest of roads.

It is those years of disasters that they face, she said.
That makes us cherish that one moment of peace.

It is that one tear that falls off their eyes, she said.
That makes us realise the magic of a mere smile.

It is the difficult situations in life that they face, she said.
That makes the simple situations look even simpler.

It is a miracle they experience, she said.
That makes us look for our own.

It is this world that they live in, she said.
That makes us realise that we are bigger than ourselves.




‘But, I don’t get it.’ I said, ‘Who is the ‘they?’
‘I don’t know.’ She said.
‘Never have. Never will.’

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