Best Friend | Teen Ink

Best Friend

June 3, 2010
By JulianaB. GOLD, Chickasha, Oklahoma
JulianaB. GOLD, Chickasha, Oklahoma
10 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
'I understand now what you wanted all along, you want me to embrace your pain and suffering. If you really have to fight, it's the least I can do.'

You've been let down, pushed down, cut down, and shut down.

So have I.

You must choose a path at some time, but you keep blocking off by lies and stories.

So do I.

I have too many problems for my age, and have been hiding my pain from them for way too long.

So have you.

I see and hear things all the time, and my life seems to be falling apart just as it comes together.

So does yours.

We push away our troubles with laughs and jokes, burying what we need to be digging up.

You and I both know that's true.

We both break down crying at night for 'no reason at all', is what we tell each other.

You and I both know that's not true.

Our secrets are hidden, exept to each other, and we know we need help, but we don't 'want it.'

We both know we need it.

And remember that path, the one we keep blocking off? I'll help you down yours. When everythings wrong and you wish you were dead, I'll stay up all night telling you everything that would be wrong and terrible if you died. And how many people would miss you. When you need someone to make you laugh or cry with you, I'll be there. I'll be there next to you until my final breath. Then we'll be together again.

After I help you down your path, I'll uncover my own. I know you won't be there to help me; you're on the other side of your own path. But I'll make my way down it alone because I don't regret helping you down yours. I'll cry some more, hate myself more, and I know you won't be able to help me. But, remember? No regrets.

Because you're my best friend and I'll do anything for you. No matter what you do for me. I love you until the end.

And guess what? When I look next to me on the path, you ARE there. Smiling with me as we walk into another stage of life, and no matter what happens; we're both immune to it, and we're ready.

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