Another Let Down | Teen Ink

Another Let Down

May 5, 2010
By Silence BRONZE, Bronx, New York
Silence BRONZE, Bronx, New York
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

On broken hearts we fly away,
Away from unknown ends;
Into the sky, as the light of day
Away from the normal bends,

Away from elegiac sounds of truth,
And misanthropic shows of love;
Amid the clouds that provide us proof
That efforts are never enough.

We’d fallen freely on cold, hard ground-
Only seeing the grass and space;
The trees and flowers all around-
With our fancy interlaced.

Interlocked fingertips coupled in,
The perfume we breathed too hard;
The toxic drug that wasn’t sin
Just borderline unsmart,

Then agitations caked in grace,
When we thought we knew it all;
Lifeless words breathed out in blades
Right after we had craved to fall,

Deserts sticky and ground too numb.
The perfume begun to fade;
Unsubstantial weeds begun
Our bed to dominate.

Crawling, hunting toward life-
The few drops, we kept within.
We didn’t fight, they took the knife-
And we started to fly again.

On broken hearts we fly away,
Away from hasty ends;
Toward smiles and carefree laughs.
But craving to fall again-







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This article has 1 comment.

INnaturegirl said...
on May. 27 2010 at 7:22 am

this is wounderful!!!! i love it so much!

my favorite part was "On broken hearts we fly away,
Away from hasty ends;
Toward smiles and carefree laughs.
But craving to fall again- "

~beautiful keep writing!!!!!