For All the Things She Breathed | Teen Ink

For All the Things She Breathed

March 20, 2010
By FreakyEyed DIAMOND, Juneau, Alaska
FreakyEyed DIAMOND, Juneau, Alaska
53 articles 29 photos 111 comments

Favorite Quote:
"This, too, will pass."

He made things for her, beautiful things
that could break if anyone but he or her touched them.
Little wooden animals and music boxes
and silk dresses laden with lace
and so much love for everything she breathed.
He brought her flowers from the garden
for her soft colors and delicate hands---
for her blue eyes that were losing sight
and for her pale skin, translucent skin,
almost fading into her white sheets,
blue shades dancing across the surface of her face
when the curtains allowed moonlight into her life.

She was dying.

When he held her hand it felt as if it could slip away,
slip through, as if she was disappearing
from all the things he gave her,
from so much love for everything she breathed.
And she would smile and ask him quietly
how the sun felt and the colors---
and the being able to see everything he created,
all the beautiful things he created.
And he would answer quietly that it was all for her---
the colors and the flowers by the bed
and the reading her the stories
from old books with yellowed pages
and the careful sewing of dresses and that
What would tomorrow be without you?

I am dying, she would smile.
And he would go outside to cry and pick night-flowers
with so much love for everything she breathed
while she dreamed her feverish dreams
of being able to see his smile again.

What she would give to taste his lips again.

The author's comments:
it makes me sad.

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This article has 4 comments.

on Apr. 3 2012 at 2:46 pm
windswift DIAMOND, Arvada, Colorado
80 articles 0 photos 91 comments

Favorite Quote:
let it burn, suffering teaches the soul; let it grow, love nourishes the heart.

This is a poem of a rare quality, it betrays a sense of something that is felt but for many fleeting moments, and there are many of those fleeting moments that I felt within your poem.  Great job, keep up the great work and one day you will become a famous poet.  If you need any advice on publishing you can post a comment on my work, I know a lot about publishing, Ive been doing research for the last four or five years and have great insight. 

on Jul. 2 2011 at 7:00 pm
FreakyEyed DIAMOND, Juneau, Alaska
53 articles 29 photos 111 comments

Favorite Quote:
"This, too, will pass."

Your compliments are blush-worthy. Thank you so much!

on Jul. 1 2011 at 4:09 am
PaigeStreet PLATINUM, Juneau, Alaska
47 articles 0 photos 218 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stay golden"
- Johnny (The Outsiders, S. E. Hinton)

This is such beautiful poetry... It explores the instant and the object as well as the passing of time. Static and yet temporal. Like life. Beautiful!

on Dec. 20 2010 at 1:32 pm
FreakyEyed DIAMOND, Juneau, Alaska
53 articles 29 photos 111 comments

Favorite Quote:
"This, too, will pass."

"He or she".