I Wish I Could Tell You | Teen Ink

I Wish I Could Tell You

January 20, 2010
By Rosalie PLATINUM, Maryville, Tennessee
Rosalie PLATINUM, Maryville, Tennessee
48 articles 0 photos 100 comments

Favorite Quote:
-you have many to learn but nothing to lose.
-the hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else...
-good girls are bad girls that dont get caught.

I wish I could tell you,
but im not allowed to.

I wish you would say no,
but all u say is i dont know.

I wish I could walk up to you,
and give you a great big hug.

Love in the wintry air,
I know you don't care.

I fall asleep every night,
dreaming that you might,
just might,
that you may be thinking of me.

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