The Judgmental Town of Nowhere | Teen Ink

The Judgmental Town of Nowhere

October 24, 2009
By dkA.M SILVER, Vail, Arizona
dkA.M SILVER, Vail, Arizona
8 articles 0 photos 87 comments

The happy place
The happy place
Every one has one
or everyone wants one
I use my place as a sanctuary
Of no judgmental attitudes

The enriching sun
The salty taste in my mouth
The beach curls
The beach bodies
The surf
and the sand

This is a place I fell in love with after a weekend of adventure
I was lost in it's mystery and hang loose atmosphere

No worries
No judgmental attitudes
Only me and my families warm love

The "new start" feeling lingers behind my shoulder
almost every second of every day
ever since we reached the state border
of California

The word sends shivers up my spine
To think I might be back one day
Keeps me going is this judgmental town of no where

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This article has 3 comments.

on Jan. 18 2010 at 10:11 pm
SilverDawn GOLD, Burnaby, Other
10 articles 0 photos 297 comments
Hey, nice poem!! I really like the second stanza because of the descriptions and senses that you put in. Keep writing!! <3

on Dec. 19 2009 at 7:29 pm
WriterA.M. PLATINUM, Denver, Colorado
40 articles 0 photos 58 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Ignore corruption and achieve perfection"- me

I'm glad you have a happy place. I'm still searching.

dkA.M SILVER said...
on Nov. 29 2009 at 3:34 pm
dkA.M SILVER, Vail, Arizona
8 articles 0 photos 87 comments
Please comment positive or negative feedback is wanted
