Falling In | Teen Ink

Falling In

May 9, 2019
By tjoythornhill BRONZE, Dayton, Ohio
tjoythornhill BRONZE, Dayton, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When he says my name

It sounds like symphonies

Plucking all the right strings,

Orchestrating every correct harmony.

When I look back to see him,

His seafoam eyes rest softly upon mine

And twinkle just for me.

His teeth peek out from under plump lips

To greet me warmly

With a simple phrase that says everything.

But it’s all too soon

Because I’m not falling,


I refuse to go through this cycle again

Just to land on the wrong side of

“She’s great”


“We don’t talk anymore.”

When he says my name,

I wonder why he’s thinking of me,

Choosing this specific mess to occupy his thoughts

Instead of the slightly less messy girl he’s used to.


Out of all the other pairs in the room,

Does he choose my

Boring, basic,

Better than nothing but bottom of the barrel

Brown eyes?

He knows hers shine brighter for him,

He’d rather spend time resting comfortably upon hers than this awkward pair.

Your teeth,

Perfectly aligned,

Assign the phrases you give me

So I can play them on repeat.

Thank you for giving my brain a new conversation,

A different obsession,

When your lips give me enough to infatuate over

Without words even escaping.


I refuse to fall again.

I look back now knowing it’s too late,

I grew addicted to that feeling

Far too long ago for fixing.

Maybe you’re just my new star,

A brilliant beam of light

For me to reach toward

Only to always fall.

The author's comments:

This is the story of me feeling as though I am falling for someone, even though it's simply infatuation.

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