The Sojourn of Life | Teen Ink

The Sojourn of Life

November 19, 2018
By 19macdonalds BRONZE, Meredith, New Hampshire
19macdonalds BRONZE, Meredith, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nothing can be seen.

Nothing, but the pitch darkness.

The sound of pumping that soothes the young soul

From within.

Suddenly, everything is interrupted.

Some foreign entity contradicts the sanctuary that

becomes second nature to all.

Especially, the ones who survive through it.

It is an inevitable fate that everyone comes to meet,

Face to Face.


Light can be seen.

Greeted by nothing more than what looks like

a milky white canvas.

Through gates into wide open arms.

Muffled voices seep through the silence.

One becomes fully immersed in the environment,

cleansed with lukewarm water.

And that same foreign entity that preceded the entire experience,

are the ones who care the most.

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