So innocent... | Teen Ink

So innocent...

October 31, 2018
By iEthanTV, Maysville, Kentucky
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iEthanTV, Maysville, Kentucky
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Author's note:

Its scary

In a small town in Kentucky…. A group of teens wanted to have a good weekend so they decided to go on a trip to Tennessee. 10 teens all go over fall break. But little do they know that this weekend it would be life or death for them. Nic knew this cabin was haunted but didn't tell anyone. He wanted them all to get scared. Nic doesn't know what's inside the cabin though. Nic has heard rumors of multiple things from the cabin. A spider-infested house to a grizzly bear on the back porch. But the one that he thinks is the scariest is a killer clown.

“Yo guys yall wanna go somewhere over fall break finna be lit.” Asked Asher

“Ahh I don't know about that Asher where would we go.” Said Drew

“Yeah lets not do anything scary though I hate scary things” Ethan told Asher and Drew

“Ethan come on you gotta grow some balls your 16 and still scared to watch scary movies.” Laughed Drew

“So are y'all in to go somewhere?”Asher said frustrated

“Sure but let's ask some more people and figure out a location.” Drew agrees

“I have the perfect spot it's a cabin that's cheap in the woods of Gatlinburg Tennessee our friend Nic told me about it is dope.” Said Ethan

“Ight sounds good to me lets go ask some more people I want this weekend to be fat.” Asher said happily.


So they decided on a location gathered more of their friends. The first person to say that they will go was A.P. He's a funny short 16-year old that plays soccer and basketball and loves to travel but he really hates spiders and clowns. Ethan asked Nate and Dillon both of them said it was dope and they would be down to go. Nate is a short 15-year-old with a high pitched voice he is great at tennis and is good at fortnite. Dillon is a 15-year-old who plays football and is a linebacker/2nd string quarterback he recently broke his elbow. Ethan is a 16-year old that plays video games and is awful at playing the viola. Drew is  VERY tall he is 16 he has a broken knee and can't run well.

“Bro this is dope were gonna have so much fun this weekend.” Explained Ethan

“Yeah but I wanna invite more people to go like Charlie or Grant” Says Nate

“Go ahead and invite them Asher wants it fat”Said Ethan.

Nate asks Charlie and he thinks it would be fun to go. Charlie is a 15-year-old he plays Xbox and is very funny.Nate then asks Grant if he would like to go and of course, he says yes.Grant is a 15-year-old he works on ram ranch and plays video games.

“Asher we invited Nate Dillon Charlie and Grant want any more?” Said Ethan and Drew


“Nah its fat now” Asher is hyped “When we leaving for Tennessee?” Ethan asked

“TMRW text everybody,” Said, Asher.

Ethan makes a group chat with everyone in it. He tells everyone when they leave and makes sure everyone is ready.

The next day everyone loaded into a tahoe and drove 3 hours toward Tennessee to the cabin. Everyone is hyped for the weekend it's just them Drew's mom is driving but she is just dropping all of them off at the cabin.  They arrive they knew something didn't feel right. The cabin was beautiful like no one has everyone been in it or near it. Shiny hardwood floors brand new shiny glass windows. The kitchen is loaded with food and they had wifi and a PS4 and a Xbox one.

“WHAT BRO THIS IS SO DOPEEEE” Asher says happily.

“Great choice on location Drew” Ethan looks happy.

“Nic told me about it so thank him.” Said, Drew.

“A.P download fortnite on the PS4 lets get some dubs” Grant tells A.P.

“Ight will do” A.P agrees.

Everyone is happy and is chilling and checking the cabin out but suddenly they hear a clown laugh upstairs.

“Yo yo yo did anyone just hear that” A.P is confused.

“Hear what?” Said, Ethan.

“That laugh upstairs” A.P looks worried.

“A.P is was probably just the TV” Ethan reinsures A.P.

“Me and Dillon will go up there to explore it” Says A.P.

“Why me I'm just trying to play fortnite” Dillon says while confused.

“I'll go with you A.P” Says Drew.

So Drew and A.P are going upstairs to check out what the noise that A.P heard.The creaking stairs was really loud. Another clown laugh happens again but louder this time.

“DID YOU HEAR THAT” A.P is scared

“Guys come up here we need to find out what this is if its a clown we killing it” Drew heard the same sound as A.P.

So everyone stops what they're doing and goes running up the stairs. Grant grabs a bat and Charlie grabs a 2x4.

“Guys I'm scared” Ethan is shivering.

“Were all here don't worry about it” Nate is next to Ethan.

All the boys walk into the first bedroom. There is nothing in there but just a bed and a window that's open for some reason. No one notices but Ethan he doesn't mention anything because he didn't want to scare anyone. They then check the room where they heard the sound coming from.

“You guys ready to kill this clown or whatever it is” Drew whispers.

“Yeah” Grant replies.

They bust open the door but are underwhelmed because nothing's in there.

“Wow good job guys it was just the TV you heard” Nate is mad at Drew and A.P.

“Bro I swear we heard a clown laugh” Drew tells Nate.

They all then run back downstairs to chill. They all eventually they all get tired and go to bed. A.P has trouble going to sleep so he wants to go downstairs to get a glass of chocolate milk. But when he opens his door he hears the sound of the creaking stairs.

“Hey you couldn't go to sleep either?” A.P gets silence and no one answers.

“Nope nope nope not doing that screw this going back to bed.” A.P runs to his room.

The next morning A.P wakes up and the sun is shining through the window and it's a bright and beautiful day outside. A.P thought he is the first to wake up but Nate is up making omelets for everyone.

“Oh hey A.P your up early” Nate is surprised.

“Yeah I know but last night I wanted a glass of milk to go to sleep but I heard something on the stairs and said didn't know anyone else was up and no one responded.” A.P tells Nate.

“It was probably just someone who wanted to scare you” Nate replies to A.P.

“Yeah you prob right” A.P agrees.

“The omelets will be ready shortly so go wake everyone up” Nate tells A.P.

“Okay” A.P agrees.

A.P goes to wake everyone up but when he goes up the stairs he sees a clown waving and smiling.


A.P then runs downs the steps to Nate.


“Your joking” Said, Nate.

“No I'm not look up there” -A.P.

They both go up the stairs and there's no clown to be seen.

“Told ya” Said, Nate.

“You have to believe me I saw a clown” A.P tells Nate.

“Mhm now go wake everyone” Nate says unconvinced

“No you go do it” A.P is scared.

“Fine I'll prove you wrong” Nate says.

Nate then goes upstairs and wakes everyone and no clown is to be seen everyone comes down to eat. Asher had to use the restroom so he tells them he will be down as soon as he's down. But when Asher enters the bathroom the door closes and locks behind him. He screams for help when he couldn't open the door but behind him was this doll. When Asher screamed everyone heard it so they ran upstairs to see what's up.

“Asher is everything alright what's wrong” Ethan is worried.

“Asher unlock the door” Drew looks confused.

They hear what sounds like a little girl voice say “Ashers not here right now” this scares everybody. The door slams open and a doll comes out with blood all over it. “AHHHHHHHH” screams everyone.

Everyone is scared for their life. There is a killer doll in the house and a clown. They all run down the steps screaming and scared they run on the back porch to get weapons to protect them but when they open the door for the back porch there are massive grizzly bears waiting for them out there. They instantly close and lock the door. Grant finds a knife to use against the doll. Charlie grabs the 2x4 from earlier they rest of the boys are running around screaming and trying to find more weapons. While they are all downstairs they hear the clown laugh. They all want to go home but they have no service to call there ride. They somehow have internet on the ps4 so they contact one of there friends through the ps4 to come get them. The friend's parents were on there way they brought a handgun to shoot the monster.

The boys are just hiding in the kitchen because the clown and doll are upstairs and nothing is downstairs. A.P gets hungry so he goes and grabs some Cheetos from the cabinet it's a new bag. He opens it up and without looking in it he puts his hand in to get some Cheetos but instead he just gets bit by 15 spiders in the bag. A.P instantly dies because it was poisonous spiders. Everyone screams when they see A.P fall over on the ground. They hear the clown laugh again and hear someone walking down the stairs. Grant gets ready to stand whatever is coming down the stairs. The rest of the boys are waiting and hiding behind Grant and Charlie.

They keep hearing the sound of the creaking stairs.They hear the clown laugh again but this time it sounded really close to them.


“Man I hope we dont die here I don't wanna die to a clown and a doll.” Explained Ethan.

Suddenly after Ethan said that they hear a bark like a dog bark. They turn around and see a dog running towards them but when it gets close it turns into a clown with a chainsaw! All the boys are screaming and running for there life. The doll comes down the stairs and spiders start coming out of everywhere they look. They see Brayden is dead on the floor he doesn't have a head on his body the doll is eating it. Charlie tries to smack the clown with the 2x4 but he missed and resulted in him getting chainsawed to death. Grant is stabbing the doll but it isn't affecting the doll at all. She then kills grant to eat his body and head. The only ones left is Nate,Ethan,Drew and Dillon. Ethan doesn't see any of them or there bodies while he running away. He runs down the hall and opens the door to the bathroom. Where he finds all three of the hiding in the tub. They tell Ethan to go away but it is too late the clown saw Ethan go into the bathroom and ran into there after him. The 4 boys scream as they are getting sawed into pieces. The parents arrive and the clown and the doll were waiting for them the husband shoots and misses and the clown kills them both. The clown and the doll and the spiders and the bear are the only things living in that cabin in the woods.

But suddenly they were back in Maysville and Ethan is in his bed and hears the birds chirping in the morning. He realized it is just a dream.He is sweating from the dream. This was his worst nightmare he has ever had.He didn't want to tell his friends because he thinks they will go him stupid or something.Ethan doesnt tell anyone about his dream he had. The end

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