The Amorfa Conundrum | Teen Ink

The Amorfa Conundrum

May 29, 2013
By ht8814, Kent, Washington
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ht8814, Kent, Washington
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Author's note: I was inspired by an idea I had. Somehow I came up with the idea of abbacus smuggling. From there I decided it should take place inside mt. Kilamanjaro, just because of how odd it is. After that the story just took off. The only thing that I hope people get out of it is the enjoyment of reading it.

In the year 3190 the UN had a meeting discussing the use of abacuses. Over the past few months they had become extremely popular and were being used for all sorts of new things. There were people doing abacus tricks, abacus-boarding (which was very dangerous by the way) and even abacusing, which was instead of cussing people just said abacus in a very loud manner. Anyways, the UN was discussing what to do with this situation. There had been a Vietnamese lab that exploded while they were testing abacuses for anything abnormal. After that there was an older fellow from Canada who got confused and tried to use the beads of an abacus as sugar. When he put them in his coffee he ended up drinking wood. This caused him to become exceedingly ill. After this very day it became illegal around the world to use anything related to an abacus. This is also the day that our story begins.

Today’s date is February 3rd 3210. It is a lovely day in the abacus factory. Ishmael just got back from Europe with a plane full of wood. This wood will be used to craft as many abacuses as possible which will then be shipped to somewhere in china to be sold by a man named Bobert. This sort of thing is a daily task, aside from the materials and locations. Those change all the time. The materials depend on what’s available and the locations are usually random unless a buyer orders abacuses to be made special. At the same time Ezekiel was in his office, probably tripping on his heart medication, thinking that he was on a game show run by his son called “the ishMEAL DEAL” and he had just won 10 monkeys and a box of potato seeds. This game show only existed in Ezekiel’s mind but he was too far from the real world to realize this. Guy was working on a special abacus at the moment that was made from melted ice cube trays and pencil sharpeners because for some reason these were some of Ezekiel's favorite things in the world. It was special because he was going to give it to Ezekiel for his 86th birthday. As Guy worked carefully he slowly looked over the factory, seeing all his busy relatives hard at work. He wondered “What was life like before we all lived in a mountain?” He had been told stories of the world before abacuses were illegal, but still didn’t understand it. He still wondered what a school looks like, or what it’s like to live in a house. When Guy finished his abacus he wrapped it in some paper and then hid it in his closet until his grandpa’s birthday.

As soon as he left his room he heard JoHemejeme, his cousin, over the intercom telling everyone to come to the conference room for a meeting. These meetings weren’t unusual. In fact they happened more than once a day. They always included Ezekiel saying if anything new happened. Usually the new thing was something totally random that just popped into his brain or he would just fall asleep. Today when everyone had gathered in the conference room Ezekiel immediately fell asleep for nine minutes. Then when he woke up he announced that he would be choosing a new member of the family to go out into the world and sell abacuses. He also mentioned that someone died, which is how the job opening appeared, but he didn’t seem to care about it that much. At the sound of those words half the family gasped. Everyone wondered who died but the opportunity to see the world was a once in a life time chance and only given to those of them that Ezekiel felt deserved the opportunity so it outweighed the sadness of someone dying. After all, they are pretty insane. Ezekiel immediately said it would be Guy because he hated suspense. Guy was overwhelmed with joy! He could barely sit still! Oh, I'm terribly sorry to have to stop narrating here, seeing as how it’s a very exciting part but I have to go get some dog food. I forgot to get it when I went to the store earlier and now it’s his dinnertime. I will be back as soon as possible but for now I will just let you hear about the story without me narrating………….

”Now it will only be for a short time, most likely a year or two, and you will mainly be going to the Americas but for now I'm just glad your excited about it.” Said Ezekiel calmly.

“Are you serious? I’m just glad to be going somewhere outside of this mountain!” Guy replied, already planning out his new life.

“Now that that’s out of the way we will also be going to war with the Italian government because they tried to kill me.” Stated Ezekiel.

After this the room fell silent. No one knew exactly what to say or how to say it. Finally after a few moments of flabbergasted silence Ishmael simply said “What?”

Now people started talking uncontrollably.

“How will we attack them?” “How does he know about this?” “Is he serious?”

These were some of the many comments being shouted out in the frenzy.

“Quiet down, quiet down.” Said Ezekiel. “I will tell you everything as long as you calm down. Last week when I went out to get a crate of mayonnaise from the Safeway I was almost killed. As I was walking out and into my car I bullet whizzed by my head! I panicked and ran back inside, then realized my mayonnaise was still outside. I ran out there, terrified off catching a bullet, and then dove safely behind the crate of mayonnaise. I stayed there for a couple of minutes and then when the bullets finally stopped I drove away with my mayonnaise. When I got home I found one of the mayo jars had been shattered with a bullet. I took it out of the crate and scanned it on my computer and it said it was a special kind of 50 cal. bullet used by the Italian government.”

Astonished looks were on everyone’s face. No one completely believed what they heard, given Ezekiel’s mental history, yet no one knew for sure if it was simply one of his delusions.

After a while Ishmael asked “What do we do now? I mean we don’t have any weapons or soldiers, and we don’t even know who it was that shot at you.”

“I suppose that is true. But we must do something. It’s not safe out there for any of us. Apparently our operation has caused such a problem in the world that they’re tired of it and are ready to pull a trigger to end it.” Said Ezekiel, having not changed his tone for the entire meeting.

“What if I went to Italy to find out more?” said Guy, who had been quiet ever since Ezekiel started telling the story.

When Ishmael heard this he completely lost it. “What are you talking about? Your only 17! You don’t even know how to get to Italy!!!” shouted Ishmael. He soon realized that Guy wouldn’t need to know how to get to Italy but didn’t bother correcting himself.

“They also don’t know who I am. Everyone else here is known as an abacus smuggler. It would be perfect! I can act like I'm delivering abacuses to Rucas, then when I get there I’ll hide and wait to see if anyone comes and tries to either kill Rucas or confiscate the abacuses. Then once I know who it is I can tell you guys and someone else can come do…well, whatever it is that needs to be done.”

“He has a point you know.” Said Ezekiel.

At this Ishmael threw up his arms and angrily stomped out of the room.

Ezekiel quickly cha…………….All right now that I'm back I’ll just pick up where I left off…Oh. It looks like I’ve missed a very important part. I will just have to continue on I suppose. Ok so right now Ezekiel is running after Ishmael. Ishmael, obviously in no mood to talk, locks himself in his room. Ezekiel waited for Ishmael to calm down, but after about ten minutes he left. Ishmael didn’t know what to do. His mind was racing all over the place. On one hand he didn’t want to let go of his son, seeing as how he lost his wife during the birth of Guy. On the other hand he knew Ezekiel wouldn’t be able to stay in here forever, and when he left he would most likely be killed. Either way he went he could lose somebody close to him.

“You can go.” That was the only thing Ishmael said when he saw Guy. Guy wasn’t sure if he wanted to leave his father now, after he had time to think of how important he was to him. Guy did however want to go and see what the world was like beyond of the 1 mile radius outside the mountain.

“Are you sure?” replied Guy.

“I’m sure. This will be a great opportunity for you.” Said Ishmael, trying his hardest to stay calm.

At that Ishmael walked away and Ezekiel appeared.

“So…….what do I do now?” asked Guy to Ezekiel.

“I will send you and JoHemejeme to Italy with a plane full of abacuses.” Said Ezekiel. “JoHemejeme knows how to fly the plane so you won’t have to learn to fly. When you get to Italy you will let JoHemejeme take care of the abacuses and you will go to the capital of Italy and snoop around for anyone who may be connected to the assassination attempt.”

“I'm ok with the plan aside from one small part. Won’t people realize that I don’t belong there and throw me out………. Or worse?” Asked Guy, fearing that his grandpa hadn’t thought this plan through fully.

“I thought you might ask about that” Replied Ezekiel, restoring some of Guys faith. “The person who I suspect is behind this is the current prime minister, Mario Pazzo. He has been involved in the attempt to stop this company for many years. He also has tons of interns working for him that he doesn’t always remember who they are. You can simply walk in and no one should notice you. From there try to break into his office when he’s gone. Then look around for anything linking him to me. “

“Wow, I thought it was going to be a lot harder. That didn’t sound dangerous at all.” Replied Guy, sounding surprised.

“What were you expecting? It’s not like I'm going to hire my grandson to kill someone or go on a suicide mission.” Said Ezekiel.

“So how do I get out?” asked Guy.

“After you get out of his office just go back to the plane, evidence or not. Then JoHemejeme will fly back here and we’ll go from there.” Replied Ezekiel.

“……for some reason I thought it would be more complicated…” said Guy, a little bit confused.

“Like I said, I want you to get back here as safe as possible.” Replied Ezekiel.

“So when do I leave?” asked Guy, a still a bit confused.

“Well I’m having JoHemejeme get the plane ready right now. You can pack and say goodbye today and then you’ll leave tonight around 8.” Said Ezekiel.

At this Guy left to go get packed. He was very excited but was wondering how Ezekiel was able to get his thoughts together that well to tell everyone that story. After all, he had just been in a delusional make-believe land for the past 5 hours. He thought maybe he was on some medication or just remembered the story at random and was somehow able to keep it together. He decided it didn’t matter, although he couldn’t shake the question from his head.

By the time Guy packed everything he thought he would need, which wasn’t much seeing as how he wouldn’t be gone for very long, he headed down to his grandpas room to say good bye and see if there was anything else he needed to know. When he got there he went inside Ezekiel's room and to his surprise Ezekiel was sitting at his desk writing in a journal that he had gotten for Christmas this past year. The only weird thing about it was that he had never written in it before. He scribbled out psychotic threats to imaginary characters sometimes but never actually wrote. Guy decided that it was time to get to the bottom of whatever was going on with his grandpa.

“Grandpa?” asked guy as he slowly opened the door. “Are you feeling OK?”

“Oh I'm doing alright, just wish my arthritis would get better. “Said Ezekiel.

“Ezekiel doesn’t have arthritis though……so who are and where’s my grandpa?” replied Guy, not sure what was going on.
“I'm your grandfather of course.” Said whoever this was.
“My grandfather is insane and doesn’t have that good of a vocabulary. Who are you?” said Guy, beginning to get a little frightened.
The person who was impersonating Ezekiel then started screaming and then spontaneously combusted. Guy wasn’t really sure what he was feeling right now. He was confused, scared, and worried. He was also a little nauseous so he went to his grandpas bathroom and threw up for a little bit.

When guy finally recovered from his hour long vomit he still didn’t know what to do or what was going on. He eventually stumbled into his dads room not really sure where to go from there. So before saying anything he ran to his dad’s bathroom and threw up a little more. When he was finally done he explained as well as he could to his dad what had happened. His dad didn’t really understand what was going on either but listened anyways. When Guy finished, Ishmael went to Ezekiel’s room to look around and like Guy said, Ezekiel wasn’t there. There was however a small pile of dust in the middle of the carpet.
“……………What is going on?” said Ishmael when he got back to Guy.
“I don’t know.” Replied Guy, trying to sound a little less panicked than earlier.
“So, if that wasn’t my dad then who was he?” said Ishmael.
“What I want to know is why he was trying to get me to go to Italy.” Replied Guy, now having his confusion being replaced with curiosity.
“……we should probably tell everyone...” said Ishmael. It was hard for him to focus with his mind racing back and forth so much.
When Ishmael and Guy told everyone about Ezekiel’s disappearance they were even more confused than Guy had been. Some didn’t know if they should believe them or not. In the end everyone believed what had happened. Some people tried to come up with explanations like “Maybe he had been dead all along.” Or “Maybe he was being controlled by a robot.” Neither of these was correct but they did make Ishmael think.

“Guy, do you think that was really Ezekiel?” said Ishmael.

“I don’t think so. But I don’t know who else it could have been.” Replied Guy.

“So why would Ezekiel want you to go to Italy?” asked Ishmael.

“I don’t know. It was kind of weird.” Said Guy.

“I’m going to go research spontaneous combustion and see if there’s anything in the news about Italy. Are you Ok here?” asked Ishmael.

“Yeah, I’ll probably go to bed and try to rest.” Replied Guy, starting to feel a bit tired.

That night Ishmael was wide awake researching everything about human combustion. He found an article in the New New York Times that said scientists were experimenting with teleportation. Some side effects were that the user was badly injured and they left behind a small pile of dust. The user’s teleportation could also be controlled from a remote location. Then he read an article in the La Republica. It mentioned a squad of police at every airport in the country. They claimed to be there for “Protection against unwanted items.” The reporter covering this story mentioned that there was something defiantly suspicious about it.

At this point Ishmael was beginning to understand what had happened. At least he thought he did, and he really hoped that he was wrong.

“Ezekiel was an undercover agent of the Italian secret service and was sent here to trick us into bringing one of our largest Abacus shipments into an airport surrounded with police.” Announced Ishmael the next morning at breakfast.

“What?” said almost everyone else, still a bit groggy from their night’s sleep.

Ishmael told everyone about what he found out. By the end most people where still confused but a couple understood. They were able to explain it to some other people and in a little bit everyone figured it out.

“So if that wasn’t Ezekiel, where is he?” said JoHemejeme.

“I don’t know. The Italians might’ve taken him prisoner for questioning but I doubt they’ll get anything out of him. His brain’s to scattered. The other explanation is that, well…………………, he’s dead.” Said Ishmael.

A cold silence appeared in the room after those words, leaving everyone with a chilling sensation.

“What do you think is more possible?” asked Guy, breaking the silence.

Ishmael clearly wasn’t sure how to respond. He had no idea how everyone would take it if he said what he really thought but at the same time didn’t want to lie to everyone. So he chose both.

“I think that initially they will keep him alive. After they figure out that he’s delusional they’ll probably either ransom him or execute him.” Said Ishmael nervously.

Ishmael was a little scared because the silence that was present earlier returned.

“What would happen if I went to Italy? Just to see if he’s alive. Then I can try to break him out.” Said Guy.

“You do know that you’d be walking into a trap. You wouldn’t even be able to get there, and even if you do you won’t even know where to go.” Said Ishmael, trying to anticipate what Guy would say next do he could stop it.

“What if I went in on commercial flight and then snuck into where they’re keeping Ezekiel.” Said Guy.

“How will you know where they’re keeping him? And even if you find him how will you break him out?” said Ishmael.

Guy took a couple of seconds to think and finally replied. “Didn’t you plant a tracker in Ezekiel's brain?”

Ishmael had forgotten about that. He had been hoping that Guy had too. He knew there was no reason now for Guy not to go.

“Yes I suppose we could know exactly where he is with that.” Said Ishmael with little excitement.

“Ok so let’s figure out where he is and go from there.” Said Guy, starting to have hope.
Ishmael was expecting a crazy plan that would involve Guy probably dying so he was glad that he had thought of a simple plan, for now at least.

That evening Ishmael started up the tracking program and wasn’t surprised when he saw that Ezekiel was in Italy. He was surprised however that the tracker was still active and still said that Ezekiel is alive. He zoomed in and cross-referenced the tracker location with a map of Italy and found that Ezekiel was in the city hall of Rome. He didn’t understand why he would be in the city hall though. He had guessed a prison or abandoned ware house for torturing, but instead the city hall.

Ishmael zoomed in further and saw that he was on the third story. He looked at some blueprints of the city hall and learned that the room Ishmael was in was a rather large room. Possibly a jail of sorts but that was unlikely. After a couple of minutes had passed Ishmael came to the confusing conclusion that Ezekiel was in an office of sorts. This confused Ishmael. It didn’t seem right that a prisoner would be kept in such an open room.

At that moment Guy came in. He was getting a bit tired and was thinking about going to sleep.

“Any luck finding Ezekiel?” said Guy, starting to sound sleepy.

“Yeah, I was going to tell everyone in the morning. His tracker says that he’s alive and in the Rome city hall. He’s in big office, which confused me.”

“Huh.” Said Guy, not expecting to hear that. “Could he be there for questioning?”

“Maybe. I’ll look into it more tomorrow.” Replied Ishmael.

That night everyone had a hard time sleeping, except for Ezekiel, who was having the time of his life. It wasn’t often that he got to explore a new place full of things he’d never seen before. Back at the factory no one was having a harder time sleeping than Guy. You see, Ezekiel had been the closest thing he had to a dad when Ishmael left. And although Ezekiel was insane, Guy enjoyed spending time with him.

Wait a second……… o dear. Well it seems that all the computers have crashed. I’m afraid that all the monitors I’ve had set up have crashed. Probably a power outage. I’m going to have to turn the recorder I'm using off. I’ll pick up when the power is back. Good bye for now……….
-power off
-system reboot
-location set _Italy_
-username _*****_
-password _******_
-username and password accepted
-system reboot initiated
-reboot complete
-system location Italy

Alright, that was faster than I expected. It seems that the power outage was caused by some sort of electricity surge in my building. Let’s go back to Guy now. Guy was having trouble sleeping but now he and everyone else is fast asleep.

The next morning Ishmael checked Ezekiel's tracker and found some surprising news! It appeared that Ezekiel suffered from major electrical shock. He guessed Ishmael was being tortured. Ishmael went to tell Guy the news and explain to him why his plan wouldn’t work anymore.

“Why can’t my plan work?” asked Guy.

“Ezekiel has suffered from severe electrical shock. That means he’s probably being tortured. I really doubt that you could just walk into the room their holding him and then take him out of the building.” Said Ishmael.

“What if someone went and acted like they were there to take Ezekiel. They could impersonate the police or people from some other government organization.” Said Guy.

“That might actually work.” said Ishmael after a couple of seconds.

“Ok so who should go?” asked Guy.

“I’ll go. So will you” said Ishmael to Guy.

“Why should you? Asked Guy.

“After your mother died I went to Vegas and took up gambling. It was the only way I could get my mind off the fact she was gone. After a while though it stopped working so decided to become a hit man for the yakuza. I got pretty good with a gun until I finally had to kill someone. I couldn’t do it thought because I kept thinking how I felt after your mom died. I couldn’t put anyone else through that. So, I came back to Mt. Kilimanjaro and never told anyone my secret. If we went to Italy there’s a good chance that someone there would try to stop you. They would probably capture you too unless I'm there to protect you.” Explained Ishmael.

“So why do I need to go?” asked Guy, still trying to take in everything his dad just told him.

“I still want to let you see the world. Also the more familiar faces Ezekiel see when we rescue him, the more likely he won’t throw a tantrum when we try to get him back home.” Said Ismael.

“Does anyone else know about………well what you did when you left?” asked Guy nervously.

“No, and I don’t plan on telling anyone else but you.” Said Ishmael, in the same calm tone that he’s been talking in the entire time.

“OK. So when do we leave?” asked Guy.

“I’m going to go down to the shooting range. You should come to. Just in case you ever need to shoot something.”

“……There’s a shooting range in the mountain?” asked Guy, confused.

“Your Grandpa had it installed before he went nuts. It was used to train the people who guarded the abacus shipments. It was closed down because we realized no one ever tried to attack our shipments.” Explained Ishmael.

Ishmael and Guy went through a door that hadn’t been opened in quite a long time and pretty soon they were about 4 stories below the factory and in a brightly light armory. Ishmael looked at it was a long lost memory. This was true of course. He went over to a small chest that contained a silver plated M1911. Guy looked confused yet amazed. He had never known about this place, yet it was only a few yards under where he sleeps. Ishmael picked up the gun and shot the entire magazine into a target on the far side of the armory without even looking. Every shot landed in the skull or chest. Guy was speechless yet Ishmael simply smiled a bit and reloaded.

“How did you do that?” asked Guy finally regaining his speech.

“I thought I already told you?” said Ishmael.

“Yeah, but that was incredible!” exclaimed Guy.

“If someone in Italy tries to stop us, are you going to, well, kill them?” asked Guy awkwardly, completely changing the mood in the room.

“I hope not. But if it’s necessary I will.” Said Ishmael.

For the rest of that day Ishmael practiced shooting. Not that he needed to, he just wanted to. He hadn’t gotten to do that for a long time. He tried to teach Guy, just in case, but Guy couldn’t seem to figure it out. It’s not that he couldn’t pull the trigger it just that he couldn’t get the bullet to go where he wanted it. Eventually they both went upstairs with a couple of handguns for Ishmael. They were ready to go to Italy and get back Ezekiel. The only thing they didn’t know was what would be waiting for them.

The next morning Guy and Ishmael packed their bags and headed to the closest airport. They got two tickets to Italy. Ishmael was able to use some kind of box to smuggle his guns. Other than that they looked like a couple of normal people on a plane. The flight was about 10 hours long and when they got to Italy they went straight to their hotel. They booked a two bed suite at the Baglioni. They’re room number was 74 and it was on the fourth floor.

I’m going to have to stop telling this story for a bit while a make a phone call.

Ok now that that’s done let’s see what they’re doing. Ishmaels going over the plan with Guy and it seems Guy is eating a pizza. I’m sorry I can’t tell you what they’re saying. I don’t have a microphone in their room yet. If Guy turns on the TV then I’ll be able to hear him. Ah ha! There we go!

“When get into the room Ezekiel's in we disguise him as a maintenance worker and then just guide him out the building and back to our room. Ok?” Asked Ishmael.

“OK so then how do we get him home? Won’t he need an ID to get through airport security?” asked Guy.

“Yes. That’s why I brought his. I also brought his passport and everything else he needs.” Said Ishmael.

“How do you plan on getting out of the building? Won’t someone try to stop you? We could get the attention of the entire city.” Asked Guy nervously.

“I’ll use a silencer. That will let us get to Ezekiel without anyone hearing us.” Said Ishmael, noticing how worried Guy was getting.

Guy was getting really nervous. He had never imagined any of this ever happening in his entire life. He hadn’t even entirely figured out what was going on. And for that matter he didn’t even realize why abacuses were so special. He had always just assumed that they were really dangerous or something.

The next day Guy and Ishmael got ready to get Ezekiel. They saw that Ezekiel had moved to a different room. That didn’t seem to be a problem so they didn’t pay much attention to it. There didn’t seem to be any problems at all. They got to the city hall and were able to get in. They were a little worried because it seemed too easy. No one was at city hall to stop them. They took the elevator to the floor Ezekiel was and then walked a couple of yards to the door. No one was there guarding it so they walked in.
Guy was relieved that there was no one there because he really didn’t want to see his dad shoot anyone. He was also a bit suspicious but that didn’t really bother him. When they opened the door Ezekiel was sitting in a chair facing a wall. There was a strange man looking out the window, almost like he had been waiting for them, which he had.
The man turned around and shot Ishmael twice in the chest. Guy was stunned! He didn’t know what was going on. The man pulled out a detonate…


Hello. My name is Guy. I work for the CIA. I was looking into the Italians fascination with abacuses. When they found out that I was looking into them they started creating this entire story that this man I just shot had been recording. He had recorded an entire fake history that didn’t include all the times they tried to kill me. When he made a phone call a little while ago he was sending a hit squad to kill me. He even included a bunch of little stops to make it seem like he was a normal person hired to record a story. Everything he told you is a complete lie.

I have decided to just finish off this file by explaining what actually happened. After listening to what he recorded, o by the way, his name was Ezesheal brown. All the characters that are supposed to be me are just named after him, except for Guy who is me. Any ways, all of the events that you have heard about have been false. Ezesheal was planning on blowing up the city hall and blaming it on me, or the people who were supposed to be me. He was also trying to make Mario Pazzo seem like a good candidate for political office by making him seem like a hero, trying to take town this fake factory.

Ezesheal was working for Mario and was ready to give his life for him. My guess is Mario got some random unstable guy of the streets and manipulated him. I also heard him say the year was something like 3210. It’s not. The real year is 2017. I have no idea why he said that. There were plans for a factory that looked like it would be built inside a mountain, probably Mt. Kilimanjaro. This was to back up the claim that there was an abacus factory. He was planning on blowing up the factory right after it was built to make it look like Mario had saved the day. Apparently the story was supposed to end with me dead and Mario saving the day. The way he recorded it thought made it sound like I was the hero. When I found out what was going on he was ready to blow the city hall up, with both of us inside.

Now the question I have is what to do. This file will prove everything that has happened because none of it exists. It will also put Mario Pazzo away for quite a while, seeing how he can be heard in the back ground at times. Now that I have the recorder I have to find Mario’s house and get some answers.

4-2-2014 16:23

I’ve found Mario hiding in his villa in northern Italy. It doesn’t seem like he’s being guarded too much so getting there won’t be an issue. Hopefully he will have some answers about this whole thing with the abacuses. Also unlike Ezesheal I’m not going to be narrating every second of my life. I might turn this thing on when something important is happening. Other than that you’ll just have to fill in the blanks.

4-3-2014 10:38

I thought it would be a good idea to mention this but I was wrong. I’m outside Mario’s mansion, well I shouldn’t say mansion, instead I should say armored compound. The guy as a house made of what looks like 2 foot thick solid iron. The only thing that is slightly less fortified is one balcony where he can look out onto the country side. I’m trying to figure out a way to get in but so far it seems near impossible. I’ll turn this back on if I think of anything.

4-3-2014 17:52

I think I found my way in. Every afternoon Mario orders food from some place called Marfoa’s. I think I may be able to intercept the driver and get in through there.

4-4-2014 16:49

Ok, so I got into the delivery car a couple miles ahead of Mario’s place. I'm disguised as the delivery man that I stole these clothes and car from. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes to get to Mario’s.

4-4-2014 16:55

I’m entering Mario’s house. I see two armed guards that let me in the front gate. There could be more inside. They did a great job at not being noticed.

4-4-2014 17:02

Inside Mario’s house there isn’t much. The guards left me at the gate and told me to deliver the food to the top floor. Then they walked away. I’m going to turn this thing on and just leave it in my pocket. I think that Mario will be up here and I want to record the conversation.

“Hello, I have your food.” Said Guy.

“Yes, come in.” said the voice coming from the room at the end of the hall.

When Guy entered the room he saw what he suspected. Mario was sitting on a chair reading a book, completely unguarded.

“Mario Pazzo?” asked Guy.

“Yes, how do you know my name?” asked Mario, a little bit stunned.

“You hired Ezesheal to kill me and make you a hero.” Said Guy and pulled a gun on Mario.

“I see.” said Mario while standing up and moving toward the balcony. “Now what did you expect to do here? Kill me!”

“If it comes to that, yes. But I came here to bring you to justice and paired with everything I found in the city hall I’m sure you’ll go to jail for quite a while.” Said Guy calmly.

“Nope.” Said Mario as he fell of the balcony.

4-4-2014 17:32

So that was interesting. After Mario fell I tuned this off. Then I killed his three body guards. I found Mario dead but it turns out he died before he hit the ground. Also I found a video that Mario recorded in the event that he died. He said that he would leave all his belongings to his son. I called him and left a message saying I was a friend of his fathers and when I came to his house to check in on him and discovered him dead. He should be stopping by today to deal with all this.

Tomorrow I’m going to look into Marfoa’s. Mario ordered all his meals from there. They might have some connection to Mario.

4-5-2014 09:21

So I’m outside Marfoa’s and I don’t see anything. It just looks like a normal restaurant. I’m going inside and posing as a health inspector to look around. I don’t think they will have anything to do with Mario but I’d still like to check.

4-5-2014 12:46

Well, it turned out they did have something to do with him. I didn’t say anything because I'm going to break in tonight and get into the back office. I saw the owner, make sure that the door was locked and even left a security guard by the door. I think there might be something linking Mario and Marfoa’s to everything that’s happened.

4-5-2014 23:05

After getting into Marfoa’s I looked around for a while before going to the office. In the office there was a document saying that Marfoa’s was partially owned by Mario. The other portion of Marfoa’s was owned by Luigi Marfoa. There was another folder that links Mario and Luigi to some pretty shady stuff. It seems that Luigi placed an order for 10,000 abacuses and Mario paid for them. Then it seems that the restaurant has recently had a basement added on to it that is the size of a factory. I couldn’t get into the lab though because the door to it had a key card reader. Personally I think that Mario and Luigi are testing the abacuses down there. I bet that the laboratory mentioned by Ezesheal was meant to be this one. There’s no way to get in there quietly so I’m going to go in there tomorrow and force Luigi to open the door up.

Hopefully there will be enough evidence there to put Luigi away for assisting Mario. O and also today Mario was found dead and would’ve been put in jail for helping Ezesheal, but he’s dead. Another interesting fact is that Mario died before hitting the ground apparently. So that was kind of weird.

5-5-2014 17:34

Well that was certainly an interesting day. Sorry I haven’t been recording today. I spent half the day being shot at. When I got Luigi to open the door at gunpoint he must have hit a secret security switch inside. I did get a peek though before his security came and tried to kill me. It looked like he was using abacuses for smuggling. There were about 20 people opening up the beads on abacuses and putting a small pill in. I think it might’ve been cy-“BANG”

Greetings! This is a message from the Amorfa Corporation. We here at Amorfa are speech less after the murder of one of our founders, Mr. Pazzo. If you haven’t heard, he was shot to death in his house by a CIA agent and then thrown off a balcony. The CIA agent was apprehended thanks to some of our trained personnel. This CIA agent was believed to have broken in to a restaurant owned by a close friend of Mr. Pazzo, Mr. Marfoa. In other news, this past week a team of our top scientists has created a formula that they like to call, cyanide X. This formula comes in a nifty little pill that can knock you dead in a millisecond. We have also developed a type of bullet that can move at a perfect ray for over 10 miles! It has also been paired with a special scope with a zoom of over 100X!! This gear has already been used in one successful operation! Have a great week Amorfa employees!

Aaaaaand cut. That was great everybody! I’ll send that out to all of our branches.

Are we ever going to tell them what’s really going on here?

We’ve been over this, remember. If word gets out that were rigging elections and selling our weapons to the highest bidder then everyone’s finished. Me, you, every one that works here. I would say the boss but, you know, he’s dead and all.

Ok, but do we really have to go through with this whole abacus business? It just doesn’t feel right, putting drugs in ancient calculators.

I know. That one wasn’t my idea. It was developed by a real psycho in our Italy division. Some guy named Ezesheal. Word is, he’s a total nut-job.

Ezesheal……what kind of name is that.

Well, there was a rumor that he’s the son of Mario. The only reason he was born was so Mario could manipulate him and have him become some kind of super genius. When Ezesheal grew up he turned out to be insane so Mario hired him to work here, you know, to come up with all the super deadly stuff that most people would consider immoral. Then one day he was gone. No one ever heard from him again. Until he was linked to that bombing in Italy.

Man, what’s wrong with this company?

Beats me. I’m just in it for the paycheck.

Yeah, aren’t we all?

Hey what's going on with the computer?

I think it’s being hacked!

We got to sto----

My name is Ezesheal and you thought I was dead. When Guy was entering the building I used one of my doubles to stay behind and get killed while I escaped. Now that I am back my uprising will begin. I have already hijacked most of your weapon shipments. Now that my army is armed we will be taking over Amorfa industries and killing my father for making me what I am today.

Well that was interesting……

Yeah. For a total psycho he was pretty straight to the point, you know.

Huh……now what……

I think I might quit.

Yeah that sounds good. I don’t want to be in the middle of this either.

Ok. Bye.

2 weeks later

Hello. My name is Ezesheal. This message goes out to whoever is listening. If you listened to another recorder you may have remembered me explaining the whole abacus thing. Well that was a lie. Now I have taken over Amorfa and gotten a new recorder from the Amorfa Company. The world knows these events as random acts of terrorism but really they are just pieces of my plan falling into place. Tomorrow there will be a “Random” attack on a mining operation in Africa. The attack will be more of a purchase gone wrong on purpose but it will sure look like a group of unknown terrorists that stole some diamonds and then killed everybody. I will record more on the subject later.


The Attack was a success. My men have retrieved over $1000000 in diamonds and cash. We will use these to purchase advanced hacking equipment and hire a professional to use it. I would love to tell you what I have planned but I hate to ruin the surprise.


“Good morning citizens of Sacramento! It’s a wonderful Friday morning in June and like always I am accompanied by my cohost Douglas “The Beat Sack” McSakro.
“Hello Sacramento!”
“Now, this fine morning I think it would be a good idea to talk a little about all that crazy stuff going on in Italy. What do you think will be the next move for this “Ezesheal” character? I mean, first he takes control of one of the most powerful munitions companies, then he kills a member of the CIA and goes underground!
“Well you know, I think there’s some connection between him and that guy that got killed in Italy.”
“Mario Pazzo?”
“Yeah that guy! He was killed around the time the CIA guy got killed and then the whole Amorfa thing. Then I heard recently he was seen somewhere in Zimbabwe.”
“What on earth do you think he could be doing there?”
“Well whatever it is it can’t be good. Like always if you want to donate one dollar to the cause to help the victims of Ezesheal Amorfa attack just text HELP to 18274. Now back to our best songs of 2014 countdown!

Next week………

Good evening to all our listeners. We are not going to be playing any music tonight in honor of the tragic shootings and bombings all across the globe. Our hearts go out to the victims and we hope to see progress in the manhunt for Ezesheal, who is clearly behind all of this.

10 days later………

“Good morning citizens of Sacramento! It’s a wonderful Monday morning in July and unfortunately the Beat sack is sick and cannot cohost today, so instead I’ve brought in a reporter from the LA times! So, Mr. Burgondala, how do you think this manhunt for Ezesheal will end? So far we know that he is somewhere in Africa after setting off 17 bombs and coordinating 6 shootings all around the world for no apparent reason.”

“Well, based on my sources in Cairo there were some supposed sightings of Ezesheal wandering off into the desert with some of his men. We think he was injured, maybe caught a bullet in one of his deadly shootings. But it’s going to be hard to find him. There’s a high chance he got in a chopper and landed anywhere in Africa. We know he has some allies with bases in central Africa.”

“Thank you for that. Now would you mind answering a couple questions from our listeners?”

“Sure, that would be just fine.”

“If you would like to ask Mr. Burgondala a question about the bombings call 657-432-732.”


“Hi, I was wondering if there was any chance Ezesheal is planning any more bombings in the near future.”

“Well that’s an excellent question, but to be honest I have no idea. It’s unlikely because of the pressure that he’s under. If there is even a possible sighting of him he will have every military group in the world after him. Although, yes, it is possible that he could set of another bomb.”


“Well now, what if the guy not done figured it out yet. He might be thinkin that our space ships still ain’t he—“

“I apologize for that call. He was obviously confused.”


“Hi, do you think that America has stepped up their security?”

“Absolutely, the president ordered all of our troops to come home from other bases around the world to protect America. With all this security the chance of another bomb going off is 1 in 1000000”

“Well think again.”
“Ummmmmm what? What was that all about?”
“Well…uh…I think it’s time to end the questions. Thank you for coming in Mr. Burgondala.”
“You’re welcome, thank you for having me.”
“Well wasn’t that interesting. I think it’s time to get back to some music. Tune in tomorrow for any more news following that rather disturbing comment left by one of our listeners.

Next Day…………

“Due to events that transpired on this radio station yesterday Mr. Jenkins will not be playing any music on this station today. We apologize for the inconvenience.”

“So Mr. Jenkins, I'm guessing you know why you’re here.”

“Yesterday there was a very disturbing caller on my radio station. Then, a couple hours later a bomb went off in New York, leveling the statue of liberty. Now you want my help identifying the bomber.”

“That is correct. Now, we aren't going to keep you here, but if you would help by telling us anything you noticed about the voice, that would be extremely helpful.”

“The voice, it sounded, exhausted. Almost as if the person had just finished running. Also I was able to get the phone number. It was 438-839-1192.”

“Thank you very much. Is that everything that you know?”


“Alright. Thank you again. You may leave now.”

Next day………

“Goooooooood morning to all my listeners! It’s a cloudy day here in Sacramento, but I'm sure it’ll clear up by noon. Now, for those of you who don’t already know, Ezesheal has been found! He has been hiding in a village in central Africa and will soon be brought to justice. I will keep you posted if there is any new information. Now, back to the music.”

June 21st 2014

Dear Diary,

This morning my uncle arrived in the village. He has lost his job working for a company that went bankrupt. He has been talking about it a lot to the adults in my village. Also my grandmother is getting very sick. We don’t thing that she will live for much longer. She has been mainly sleeping and when she is awake she tries to talk to her grandchildren.

June 22th 2014

Dear Diary,
Today is a very sad day in my village. My grandmother died after being very ill. My father hopes that the disease she had wasn’t contagious. Today he is going into town to get food and medicine to cure anyone else that gets sick.

June 23rd 2014

Dear Diary,

Today everyone in the village started throwing salt rocks at each other. My uncle brought the salt in from the city and now everyone went crazy. The village elders don’t approve so it only lasted for about 10 minutes. After that we had a very limited supply of salt.

June 24th 2014

Dear Diary,
So far no one else has gotten sick. I am worried however that my cousin Faziah is getting sick from something else. She has a runny nose and feels nauseous. It’s a good thing that we have medicine, but my father doesn’t know if it will help. He has been the village doctor for 10 years and he had never seen the disease that my grandmother had. Hopefully Faziah doesn’t have the same thing. Hopefully she just has a cold.

June 25th 2014

Dear Diary,
Faziah turned out to be sick but thankfully it was only a cold. She threw up a little bit but now she feels fine. Other than that today has been a very peaceful day. People are still trying to understand why everyone went crazy when the salt came. I personally think it was because we hadn’t had salt in a while but that doesn’t make much sense. Hopefully there was a reason but it could have been that people just snapped.

June 27th 2014

Dear Diary,
A horrible thing has happened! There were bombs going off all over Africa! I could hear some from my house. My Uncle who works in the city came back and told us there were explosions all over the planet! We doubt that we will be a target here but it is hard not to worry.

June 28th 2014

Dear Diary,
Faziah has recovered perfectly fine. She had a small cold and now she is all better. Also, today a strange man wandered into our village with a bullet wound and then fainted. He seemed delusional and exhausted. The adults are trying to help him get back to health. It seems that there are a lot of health problems in our village lately.

June 30th

Dear Diary,

The man that wandered into our village is named Robert. He says he worked for a company called Amorfa. That’s such a silly name! He told us that he was running away from the blast and was shot by the terrorists and was chased into the jungle. He has been resting for quite some time. I really like having him around. He has seen a completely different world than us, living in the big cities. He has told us so much about places around the world. Especially Italy. He says he loved Italy.
July 1st

Dear Diary,

Today is the first day of July! Like the beginning of every month there will be an amazing feast, but this year we have a special visitor. We will treat Robert like one of us and give him plenty to eat. I'm afraid his wound hasn’t healed yet. It was a very serious wound and it took quite a long time to get it to stop bleeding. I'm afraid that my dad couldn’t do much to help him and he can’t move him too much. He is still very week, so he might not be ready to move for many more days.

July 6th

Dear Diary,

I haven’t written in a while. All the children in my village went out into the jungle with the leaders of the village to go camping and I forgot my diary. It was very fun but the entire time I wondered how Robert was doing. Apparently he is doing well, seeing as how we can’t give him proper medical attention.

July 7th

Dear Diary,

Today was quite strange. Robert was listening to the radio in our village and there was a segment where you could ask questions about the bombing so Robert called them. He sounded crazy. He was asking about security and then he hung up and called someone else. He was talking about the white house and a bomb.

July 8th

Dear Diary,

There is a very big car coming and I can hear people shouting. It sounds very bad. We have never had this many peop

“Well, this is the end. After I took that little African girl hostage she stabbed he in my stomach. I’m bleeding pretty badly so yeah, I think I'm going to die. I'm not proud of killing that little girl just now, but I did. To be honest I'm not proud of what happened at all. I initially took over the Amorfa Corporation because my dad left me to die in Italy. He made me insane but after I almost died I realized it was his entire fault. All of it! If it weren’t for him my body double would still be alive. If it weren’t for him I wouldn’t be here right now, awaiting my execution from some pretty serious rangers from the look of them. When I took over the Amorfa Corporation it was to destroy everything my dad put money into. The bombings were overkill but necessary to cover up the real reason I did what I did. I think I’m just going to die listening to the lie that started it all. You know, I was pretty creative with that whole abacus story. I don’t know where any of it came from but it sure didn’t make any sense! I even put in that bit where I had to get food for my dog. I didn’t have to get food for my dog because I don’t have a dog! The power outage was true though. It really sucked. Anyhow, it’s time for me to die, but first I will start the tape.”


In the year 3190 the UN had a meeting discussing the use of abacuses. Over the past few months they had become extremely popular and were being used for all sorts of new things.


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