The Demon Inside | Teen Ink

The Demon Inside

May 4, 2015
By Mastermind2K16, Wilson, North Carolina
Mastermind2K16, Wilson, North Carolina
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Alicia was a normal 15 year old girl who really hated her life. But one day, she looked in the mirror and everything changed.... She was a demon. She became a human by day...and a demon at night.....the demon inside is the opposite of her, full of despair, anger, hatred and is trying to take control of her body......and her life. Now wanting to restore everything back to the way it was, will she try to keep her secret of being a demon away from her friends and family? Or will it be too late for her? Can Alicia control.....The Demon Inside?

Alicia D.

The Demon Inside

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