The Boy and the Ragdoll | Teen Ink

The Boy and the Ragdoll

November 26, 2009
By Kasperitus BRONZE, Ottawa, Other
Kasperitus BRONZE, Ottawa, Other
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Imagination rules the world.
-Napoleon Bonaparte

It was late at night when I heard the music. It was soft, scary, and startled me out of bed. I looked out the window of my bedroom, and saw something walking outside my country house. It was taller than dad and skinny like a pole. It was wearing a bathrobe like mom’s with lines glowing a creepy light. The music that woke me up coming off of it, but it did not have a something to play music with: the music was coming off of it’s body. It must’ve known I was looking at it, because it stopped, turned and looked at me. It’s face was covered by a mask. The mask looked like a creepy smiley face and it also glowed the same light as the lines on the bathrobe. I tried to hide from it, but I couldn’t move. It was like the thing had frozen Me where I stood. It lifted a long, sharp-looking finger to the mask’s mouth and hissed “shhhhhh”. I nodded and the person continued its walk. Once it disappeared, I jumped back into bed and pulled the covers over my head. The thing was gone but I could still hear the creepy music.


The LeaderShip has been kind to Ragdoll, exile much better than being locked up. Exile lets Ragdoll be free, lets Ragdoll do as Ragdoll pleases. But Leadership could have put Ragdoll somewhere better; too far from city, too far from playthings. Ragdoll crazy, but Ragdoll also smart. Ragdoll find plaything home, and where there is home there is road, and road leads to city, and city leads to plenty of playthings for Ragdoll to play with. There is no light, so playthings not awake, not able to see Ragdoll walk near home, but Ragdoll sense differently, and Ragdoll has good senses. Ragdoll sense plaything watching Ragdoll through window, so Ragdoll turn to face watching-plaything, to see what playthings of this world look like. Ragdoll may have no eyes, but Ragdoll can see that Playthings are meat-covered sticks, lots of fun to play with. Ragdoll also sees that watching-plaything is child, is scared of Ragdoll. Watching-plaything-child must have been awakened by Ragdoll’s beautiful, mind-music, which also freeze child-plaything. Ragdoll knows that watching-plaything-child will tell other playthings of Ragdoll, draw attention to Ragdoll. So Ragdoll raise one of tool-fingers to word-hole and say “Shhhhhh”. Watching-plaything-child nod head at Ragdoll, Telling Ragdoll that watching-plaything-child won’t tell other playthings. Ragdoll then walk away, knowing that Ragdoll still secret and stay secret until Ragdoll ready to play.

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This article has 8 comments.

on Aug. 11 2011 at 9:19 pm
SlightlyDisturbed BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Don't take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive anyway."
"Only dead fish swim with the stream."
"I never let schooling get in the way of my education."

Creepy but Excellent. Very unique. You're a talentted writer! 


fantasio said...
on Apr. 19 2011 at 9:29 pm
awesome piece. You should share more of your work. 

_Mags_ SILVER said...
on Jul. 11 2010 at 8:08 pm
_Mags_ SILVER, Somewhere, North Carolina
9 articles 7 photos 436 comments

Favorite Quote:
- I stare danger in the face and giggle
- Never argue with an idiot, people might not know the difference
-R.A.P (Retards Attempting Poetry)
-Tip Cologne ryhmes with alone

wow, that is well writen and creppy (but in a good way) 5/5. i hope to read more of your stuff?

btw-can you checkout some of my stuff?

on May. 28 2010 at 5:14 pm
Kasperitus BRONZE, Ottawa, Other
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Imagination rules the world.
-Napoleon Bonaparte

Thanks for the comment!

When I originally wrote this, it had the idea of expanding it into a longer piece. In the end, I decided to scrap it and began working on two other stories (an excerpt of which can be found under my profile).

The original story would have explained more about Ragdoll, including what the Leadership is and the reason as to why it banished Ragdoll to the planet Earth. 

In the end, I felt it would be much better to leave it up to the reader to imagine what Ragdoll and the LeaderShip is.

on May. 28 2010 at 2:22 pm
Fredwardness SILVER, Romeo, Michigan
8 articles 6 photos 211 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The stars are blazing like rebel diamonds cut out of the sun" -The Killers (Read My Mind)

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." -George Harrison

I loved the voice and character you put into Ragdoll. And the fact that you left a lot of things for the reader to imagine really adds to the mystery. This is short but you packed a lot into it, I really liked this story. Five Stars.

on Mar. 1 2010 at 11:55 am
meganleigh122 GOLD, Greeneville, Tennessee
13 articles 0 photos 81 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain."

this is really good :)

Vidma said...
on Jan. 2 2010 at 9:05 am
Wow! Loved the story

Assya said...
on Dec. 29 2009 at 5:40 am
Scary plot, showing a vivid immagination