A Love Lost | Teen Ink

A Love Lost

May 31, 2012
By Anonymous

Preface: Most people would commonly frown upon a woman who has committed the sin of adultery. These people are quick to judge, because they are completely oblivious as to what went on behind the scenes. No one cheats on their spouse without reason. There is always a motive. Meghan’s motive was love. But you would not know that at first glance. This woman, who before led an effortless life, chose to leave it all behind in pursuit of a man whom she thought she truly loved. It is because of this flaw, this one desire she gave in to, and the consqeunces of it, that led to the end of life as she knew it.

Meghan: I simply can't go on like this anymore, Liam. You don't understand how trapped I feel. It's as if we are living a fake life. Why put on a show for the children? LET THEM KNOW WHAT THEIR MOTHER HAS DONE!
Meghan runs up the stairs to wake Fernando and Chiquitita.
Liam grabs her arm, holding her back.
Liam: Whatever happened to our love?
Meghan: It left with the dog, who has been long gone.
Liam: Are you kidding me? Calley couldn't escape if she wanted to. She's in my room, eating a freshly prepared roast for beagles.
Meghan: Oh Liam!! You found her? My baby!
Meghan scoops up Calley. The dog is so chubby that Meghan is strained.
Meghan: This doesnt change anything, sorry to say. I love Pierce. I have been loving Pierce. We are through.
Liam: Stop making it so hard on me.
Meghan: Breaking up is never easy.
Liam: I know.
Meghan: All you do is eat and sleep and sing! How could I ever continue to live with you? My father, John, has already said that I shouldve left you long ago.
Liam: Does your mother know?
Meghan: Not yet. But she doesnt have to.
Liam: If you need me, let me know. I'm gonna be around. I loved you.
Liam walks off into the sunset.
Meghan looks over her shoulder on last time at him.
Meghan: One more look, and I'll forget everything...

The End

The author's comments:
There are hidden lyrics from a famous singing group within

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 29 2012 at 6:10 pm
poetic.eyes PLATINUM, Everson, Washington
23 articles 3 photos 198 comments

Favorite Quote:

I'm happy I found out what singing groups lyrics were hidden in this great dialogue. Just so you know, I think that it was a really creative thing to include the lyrics xD!!! Great job!