The Great Chibi Adventure (continued) | Teen Ink

The Great Chibi Adventure (continued)

November 2, 2010
By Broindon BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
Broindon BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Chibi Michael, who is part of Chibi Ville was leading his chibi people to New Chibi Ville. After the Pyro Chibi's burnt down Chibi Ville, Chibi Michael and his chibi people were left with nothing, all of there things were destroyed. The chibi people of Chibi Ville think of Chibi Michael as there main leader and Chibi Michael is always taking care of his people and his village. All Chibi Michael had that was most important to him was his trustee sword that he calls Excision.
Chibi Michael and the other chibi people started to walk northeast, where New Chibi Ville hailed. Chibi Michael looked on his map and saw that he had to walk through the dark forest, where there is almost completely no sunlight in the day. Chibi Michael stood in front of the entrance of the dark forest. Chibi Michael discussed a plan where the 20 chibi members of Chibi Ville break up into 5 groups. Chibi Michael gave each main person of the group a headset to talk to each group and the 5 groups ascended into the dark forest.
(To be continued)

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece because I like chibi's.


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