Howard's End | Teen Ink

Howard's End MAG

November 25, 2009
By hadiya_m. BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
hadiya_m. BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

“Unlike the Greek, England has no true mythology. All we have are witches and fairies.” This line, uttered by Emma Thompson's character, is a marking point among the many twists and turns in the 1992 Merchant-Ivory classic “Howard's End.” Based on the 1910 novel by E.M. Forster, this movie is full of subtle emotion and beautiful acting. It has proved worthy of the nearly 20 awards it received, including an Academy Award for Best Art/Set Direction.

Set in the early 1900s in London, “Howard's End” – starring Anthony Hopkins, Emma Thompson, and Helena Bonham Carter – involves three social classes, represented by three families: the Wilcoxes, the Schlegels, and the Basts.

The film opens with us observing a slightly shabby house that resembles an enlarged hut. However, the house has mysterious grandeur and is almost majestic, symbolizing a forgotten era. We follow a woman in her mid-fifties, gliding across the grass, watching laughter erupt from the people inside, looking sentimental. Who is this woman? Why is she staring at this house? Is she some sort of ghost, or mistress? What does the house represent? How does this tie in with the plot? If you're curious about questions like these, you will no doubt enjoy this movie.

The most enrapturing part of “Howard's End” is the story and how it twists and turns. The smooth acting and dialogue make it all the more realistic. The lush scenery – from London to the rainbow of a countryside – is candy for the eyes. The beautiful costumes, with rich colors and three-piece suits, show the grace of the characters. The haunting notes of the score flow together like water, enriching the emotion. Hopkins' portrayal of a rich and powerful man is unusual because he restrains all emotion, his face like blank paper.

I'd recommend this movie to anyone who loves a good story, beautiful cinematography, and experiencing life a century ago. Just watching it will transport you to turn-of-the-century England. Over and over, with shock whirling inside your head, you'll replay the scenes that gave you a thrill of suspense, portrayed love and jealousy, and uncovered the many conflicts of the story.

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This article has 1 comment.

fariha said...
on Dec. 9 2009 at 11:40 pm
well done hadya!! the review is so impressive and elaborative.......i plan to see the movie as earliest possible.