Eye of the Needle | Teen Ink

Eye of the Needle MAG

By Anonymous

     At first glance, this book looked older than my parents and I thought it would be dreadful. Since I am a very picky reader, I never look forward to summer reading. As I unwillingly opened the first page, the author spared no time grabbing my attention. Action begins in the first few pages, and I thought this might not be such a bad book after all.

If you are into chase movies, you will like Eye of the Needle. The story takes place during World War II but is different from most war books. Here you find a Russian and German perspective. It’s all about spies and double agents, which grabbed my attention very quickly.

The main character, Faber, is a German spy who is very trusted by Hitler. You get to know Faber as the story progresses and respect his strange yet successful methods of killing his enemy. Faber has some information that could give Germans the advantage and possibly allow them to win the war.

Despite the fact that I only read what I have to or what I like, this book turned out to be extremely good and got better and better as it progressed - so good that I read 200 pages in one night. It was thrilling and all-around bone-chilling. The Eye of the Needle didn’t cease to amaze me for one second. Although very violent, it’s addictive. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in a good spy novel.

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this !

on Mar. 28 2010 at 11:57 am
I absolutely love this book! I thought the same thing too, when I saw it, I thought 'dear god, this has got to be as old as my grandmother, and she was there to witness the war...' I couldn't put the book down til I finished it.