How much I loved you | Teen Ink

How much I loved you

June 22, 2014
By hkim3058 SILVER, Draper, Utah
hkim3058 SILVER, Draper, Utah
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When words fail, music speaks.

Is it a terrible thing to miss you all the time?
Not being able to see your face is like suffocating in this life,
I'm dying on the inside. Is it such a crime?
To wish you were by my side, without you, breathing is like a knife,

I'm walking blindly, wishing you were beside me,
I'm trying to live on my own, but it's not working
I'm crying all by myself, telling people to leave me be,
and I'm slowly, breaking, wishing you come back as my world is shrinking...

I'm sorry I never told you I love you,
I'm sorry that I never tried to see you,
But even in the end, was it all pretend?
So you left me without a clue, left me thinking you loved me.

Now that you're gone, I'm not sure what to do,
Everyone is carrying on like everything is fine,
but all I know is that you're out there in this world and you were all I knew.
You could have left me a notice, telling me we were through, just a small simple sign...

I'm sorry I never told you I love you.
I'm sorry that I never tried to see you,
But even in the end, was it all pretend?
So you left me without a clue, Left me thinking you loved me.

I'm sick of watching myself fade away,
I'm sick of waiting for you to return to me,
Let my heart go I'm so done with my dreams going grey,
Because you took was important, so please set it free!

I'm sorry that I never told you I love you,
But are you okay with leaving me in pieces?
Just let my heart go and I'll leave you be with a clue,
About, just how much I loved you.

The author's comments:
I'm not writing this from experience. Just saying. Well I guess I kind of am a little bit.

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