I'd Still Pick You | Teen Ink

I'd Still Pick You

April 20, 2013
By Wild_Rebel_Rose DIAMOND, Somerset, Wisconsin
Wild_Rebel_Rose DIAMOND, Somerset, Wisconsin
51 articles 4 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be who you are, and say what you feel, becuase those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
-Dr. Seuss

September, parked on a dirt road now you remember what I said to you that night.
'I'm sorry', you never had to listen to the rest because you just gave up the fight.
I tried though, I tried my very hardest but I never got to tell you everything.
Too late now? Well now its up to you cuz I still stand here waiting for you in the rain.
I hear the thunder, by now there should be lightning but my eyes are wide awake and I can't see
Sinking farther, there's no way out for us unless we realize that storms don't calm the sea.

But I'd still pick you to dance with in the storm
I'd still pick you late at night to keep me warm
I'd still take your hand, we'd run away
We'd still belive in everything we've had before
Don't close the door tonight,
Cuz I'd still pick you.

Remember, all the nights we've cried, I stood there just below your window tossing rocks
"I miss you", I've heard over and over but I loved all your expressions when we talked
Too late, now? Now can still be never if you promise me you'll never let this fade
I understand though, if promises were broken and you're over it, you're ready to erase.

But I'd still pick you, to dance with in the storm
I'd still pick you, late at night to keep me warm
I'd still take your hand, we'd run away,
We'd still believe in everything we had before
Don't close the door tonight,
Cuz I'd still pick you..

She falls in line, you hold her like you used to hold me.
Her hand in yours feels right, it fits yours perfectly.
She makes you laugh but deep inside you know it isn't right
You had your chance with me, I shouldn't stay tonight.

But I'd still pick you, to dance with in the rain
I'd still pick you, we'd chase the nights again
And I'd still take your hand, we'd run away
We have so much we need to say
So say it now, don't wait another single day
Cuz I'd still pick you.

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