Like Fireworks During A Storm | Teen Ink

Like Fireworks During A Storm

April 20, 2013
By Wild_Rebel_Rose DIAMOND, Somerset, Wisconsin
Wild_Rebel_Rose DIAMOND, Somerset, Wisconsin
51 articles 4 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be who you are, and say what you feel, becuase those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
-Dr. Seuss

Everyone stared out the windows while I stared at the page
Everyone talked over coffee while I let the world fade
Not a soul in the world dared disrupt me, 'til I saw him sit down
Slid a drink toward my side of the table without making a sound.
It was peppermint, I could smell it, I looked up and he smiled
"You looked lonely" he said with a weird look, and just sat for awhile
"I wasn't" I said, rather bluntly, I do that; but he didn't seem phased
He just pulled his chair closer and took off his jacket and asked me my name.
I told him I didn't like peppermint and asked him why he was so strange
He told me that he didn't either and asked if I wished he would leave
I looked at him closely, I looked in his eyes, they were dark greenish gray
He was beautiful; I liked looking at him, and I said he should stay
He was weird, I liked it; there weren't enough beautiful boys like this one
I tried not to laugh when he talked but he made the world happy for once
An hour went past without letting me realize it had slipped by
Cuz we talked about everything, down to the moon on the fourth of July
I was kicking myself, I liked him, and this guy was too nice
I was scared of the nice ones, I didn't like flowers, or calls every night
He was different though, better than that, prolly never bought flowers before
He seemed far too reckless, but perfect, like fireworks during a storm
Nobody did that; "More people should do that, it'd make the world crazy", he said.
"Cuz crazy is different and different is perfect, and perfect is good."

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