Tears Fight at My Eyes, But I Just Fight Them Back. | Teen Ink

Tears Fight at My Eyes, But I Just Fight Them Back.

October 16, 2011
By Wild_Rebel_Rose DIAMOND, Somerset, Wisconsin
Wild_Rebel_Rose DIAMOND, Somerset, Wisconsin
51 articles 4 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be who you are, and say what you feel, becuase those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
-Dr. Seuss

every night i'd Sit on my bedroom floor,
wishing you would show up, knocking on my door.
anytime you'd need me, i was sO naiive,
i aced half of your tests for you, you never even thanked me.
i second guess myself for the fifteenth time,
i go back and erase what i Had in mind,
i can't pretend that i'm not intrigued by you,
cuz i Am.. i can't deny the truth.
i second guess the way i should pass by you,
so i just staRe straight ahead, act like i Don't see you
you're gone, "i should've caught your glance, should've grabbed your hand,"
Tears fight at my eyes, but i just fight them back.
can't you see the way that i wait fOr you?
i stay late after class to catch a glimpse of you.
hoping that someday you might need someone..
someone there to lean on, somewhere you can run
but you never do, you never stop, i'm Left alone.
while you chase down other girls, but they will never know
the way you said my namE while you were half asleep,
i still remember every word you said to me.
it's crazy how life changes, and we fall from love,
into this scarred perfecTion that we just make up.
months go by without a call, and things have changed.
i don't stay after class, hoping you'll glance my way
i've Given up On you cuz you're not worth my time
i pass you in the halls now with no need to cry.
one night there's a knock and you're at my door
your clothes are soaking wet, you're laying on the floor
you look up at my face, i see your "perfect" eyes.
and in that single moment I finally realize,
you're a liar. you're a cheater, and nothing more.
so i look away...
and close the door.

The author's comments:
Its hard to love somebody who doesn't feel the same way about you. Its hard to love at all, actually. Love is the cause of happiness, heartbreak, smiles, and tears. Love can last forever, or for a moment. But Love is all that matters in the end.

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