You're My Summer Rush. | Teen Ink

You're My Summer Rush.

October 16, 2011
By Wild_Rebel_Rose DIAMOND, Somerset, Wisconsin
Wild_Rebel_Rose DIAMOND, Somerset, Wisconsin
51 articles 4 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be who you are, and say what you feel, becuase those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
-Dr. Seuss

A couple nights til we move on,
A couple nights til summer's gone,
A couple nights til we say our goodbyes, we leave this town behind and run away.
A couple days til change begins,
A couple days til rain kicks in
A couple days til sunshine turns to gray, September comes our way and then we're gone

But you're my summer rush,
You're my perfect love,
You're the one I'll talk about, the word is out, Tonight
Don't find another girl,
You saved my summer world,
I promise I'll come back for you, my word is true for us
Cuz you're my Summer Rush.

A couple weeks, I'm settled in.
A couple texts &my phone rings,
A couple words and now you made me smile,
But man its been a while, I want you here.
The couple times I've dreamt of you,
They weren't enough, I'm missing you
A couple boys have tried to come my way, they might ask for me to stay, but I can't.

Cuz you're my summer rush,
You're my perfect love,
You're the one I'll talk about, the word is out, Tonight
Don't find another girl,
You made my summer world,
I promise I'll come back for you, my word is true for us
Cuz you're my summer rush.

A couple times I've wondered if
Our hearts are really meant for this,
But I don't think there's much belief in doubt,
Cuz that's what Love's about,
We'll risk it all.

Cuz you're my summer rush,
We'll never get enough,
We won't give up Til stars don't shine & love forgets its name.
Don't want another heart,
Don't let this fall apart,
Don't let the thunder wash away the faith you have in us,
Cuz you're my Summer Rush.

The author's comments:
I moved away from my hometown, I moved out of the house I've lived in all my life. Everything happened so fast, and everything changed so much. But the one thing that won't change is my love for you.

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