Think Again. | Teen Ink

Think Again.

July 27, 2011
By Wild_Rebel_Rose DIAMOND, Somerset, Wisconsin
Wild_Rebel_Rose DIAMOND, Somerset, Wisconsin
51 articles 4 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be who you are, and say what you feel, becuase those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
-Dr. Seuss

I used to say 'you're beautiful in every single way', because you were.

I used to watch you shine and say you took my breath away, cuz it was true.

Lately I've been thinking of the way you used to smile,

Well its been awhile, And you know,

You gave up on the things that really matter in your life,

Left your Innocence behind, Just watch it go.

I just hope you see you're overestimating fantasy, rebel child, free and wild, born to run.

Use your love to burn up paper hearts with cheap red wine, leave your troubles 'far behind', just for one night,

Til you wake up in the morning,

Turn the pages of your crazy little story, And one day you'll be sorry.

I used to say "please don't give up cuz I believe in you", I really did.

So why'd you go and ruin it, you acted like it mattered what I'd think.

Lately I've been thinking of a way to let this go,

But I really can't, you know,

Its called regret.

you called it self-reliance but I call it selfishness,

If you think we're done with this,

Think again.

I just hope you see you're overestimating fantasy, rebel child, free and wild, born to run.

Use your love to burn up paper hearts with cheap red wine, leave your troubles 'far behind', just for one night,

you wake up in the morning,

Turn the pages of your crazy little story, And one day you'll be sorry.

You're an expert at running away,

From the most wretched part of the game,

Well I'm tired of trying,

Life's hard enough with OUT liars

And cheaters

And haters, ...

.. And you.

I'm sorry I tried to get through to you.

..Just know that I'll always be here for you.

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