When it's Time | Teen Ink

When it's Time

September 15, 2010
By XxDeadlyKissxX GOLD, San Diego, California
XxDeadlyKissxX GOLD, San Diego, California
12 articles 7 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't put a period where God put a comma.

I don't know where I went, I don't when I'll come back. Because the moon is shining bright, and the stars are blinking. When its time, I will wake up in the morning, telling you to wake up for the new day, its brand new, for me and you. When its time, the birds will start cherping, when its time, the flowers will start blooming, when its time, will you come with me, when its time, the day will soon be over, but not for me and you.
I like it when you look at me, I get funny feeling.
I like when you sit with me, I get the butterflies in my tummy.
But I wish that you would kiss me, to feel the love….

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