Start Over New | Teen Ink

Start Over New

February 5, 2010
By Reagen GOLD, Howell, Michigan
Reagen GOLD, Howell, Michigan
15 articles 2 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Forget the times he walked by, Forget the times he made you cry,
Forget the times he spoke your name, Remember now your not the same.
Forget the times he held your hand, Forget the sweet things if you can,
Forget the times & Don't pretend, Remember now he's just your friend.

Everything has come and by
And I don’t know why but I'm crying now
And I don’t know how it can mean this much to me
How can it mean this much to me?
All the smiles and all the laughter here
And now it feels like a spear
Is stabbing through my heart
And I don’t know where to start over new

The author's comments:
It was just my birthday, and when I was hit with the realization that is was already 14 years. I was super sad and astonished that days and weeks and months were going by as fast as they were.

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