Pit of Hope | Teen Ink

Pit of Hope

January 10, 2012
By ShelbyMarie93 PLATINUM, Lexington, Nebraska
ShelbyMarie93 PLATINUM, Lexington, Nebraska
35 articles 1 photo 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When Death to either shall come -- I pray it be first to me." ~Robert Bridges
"Life is not a jump; it's a headfirst dive."
"Within you I lose myself; without you I find myself wanting to be lost again."

╚══`.¸.Isaac H.

Verse 1:
I fall to my knees, one last time.
I give all I have, to You tonight.
I've given up and lost all sense of direction,
Hoping You'd be there, pulling me to Your love.

Verse 2:
I'm here now, in this pit of hope,
Knowing only You, can make me whole.
Pick me up and hold me in Your arms.
Bring me to You, and I'll find my way for sure.

Crying and desperate I come to You
Knowing that only You can make me new.
Hold me now and never let me go
As I fall into this pit of hope.

Verse 3:
You alone restore my soul,
And it is You who made me whole.
Broken once but now so complete,
You have picked me up off my feet.

Chorus (2X's)

As I fall into this pit of hope.

I fall to my knees one last time
This time to give You thanks with all my might.

The author's comments:
This is a song I stumbled upon that I wrote in 2009. It was during a time in my life when God had pulled me out of a deep depression, and the only way I knew how to thank him was by writing this song.

To me, the words "pit of hope" just express how hard it can be to put your hope in something, or someone, other than yourself. Sometimes that experience jades you, but other times, like this one, it saves you. When you're in your pit of hope, you're at your rock bottom, and waiting for someone to help you out.

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