Psyches and Seasons | Teen Ink

Psyches and Seasons

May 9, 2018
By Tana365 BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Tana365 BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 A frog in a well

Doesn't know how large the sky is




I feel so small in the world

I am like an ant


I am so tiny

Are you who you want to be?

Yes, I'm who I want


Spring, are you pretty?

Yes, spring is so colorful

The flowers have bloomed


Summer is so hot

I can't take it any more

Time to make a splash!


The fall leaves light up

With colors of red and gold

My, how beautiful


Winter has arrived

Frost has covered the ground

The first snow is here


Seasons come and go

Everthing is in its place

Opposites attract


Yin and yang, balance

Meditation and yoga

Find yourself in peace


Find divinity

Look for the good in everything

You'll be happier

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