The Real Lost Boy | Teen Ink

The Real Lost Boy

June 7, 2018
By madison.ramsey2001 BRONZE, Chesapeake, Virginia
madison.ramsey2001 BRONZE, Chesapeake, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He kept my feelings inside a small glass jar

He knew my every ache, my every scar

But he was a much more complicated case

I only knew the pain on his worn face


I liked to imagine the things he hid

A monster tucked beneath a child's bed

Something so bad

He had to spare my feelings to not make me sad


The secrets he kept were like snakes taking him

Could they truly be so grim?

If this was a forever with no end

We must amend


I don't want anymore lies

Nor the sadness in his eyes

I want his happiness to stay 

Even for just one day

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