I am a golden retriever | Teen Ink

I am a golden retriever

May 23, 2018
By libbie.sobieski GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
libbie.sobieski GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As a family member, I’m excited,
when they come home from work.

In school, I am a learner,
sniffing out solutions to problems.

As a caregiver, I am there for my clients,
empathetic to their needs.

On the weekends, I am adventurous,
hiking off the paths and getting my boots muddy.

As a friend, I am loyal,
never to leave their side.

When eating, I am not picky,
chowing down whatever is served.

As a daughter, I’m obedient,
determined to make my parents proud.

In life, I stick with my pack,
because I am a golden retriever.

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