In the Box | Teen Ink

In the Box

March 5, 2018
By Life_is_hard BRONZE, Kansas City, Missouri
Life_is_hard BRONZE, Kansas City, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

They say think outside of the box. 

But what if you were never in the box.

I walk around the perimeter of the box

Hoping and wishing I could join


They laugh

They joke

All I want is to join in

To feel included

They try to include me, I know

But all it does is make feel like they have to babysit me

They have to include me because I'm a 'loner'


Sometimes I go along with them

But other times I just wish that they know what I'm going through

They say that they understand

But do they?

They say how are you

But do they care?

They say have a good day

But do they mean it?

They say they care about me

But do they really?


In the box, I wish I was

Surrounded by 'popular' people

Filled with joy on the outside

But on the inside hating what I'm doing

I will never be in the box

But is that good?

The author's comments:

Society is telling us that we have to do this or wear that to be popular and fit in. We have to have phones, we girls have to be skinny, to wear things that make our chest look bigger, and have so many boyfriends and friends. Society is a box, and the people in it are the popular people and the people outside of it well... are me. 

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